Page 117 of Savage Redemption

I don’t quite know how he does it. It seems he only has to sniff the air and he spots a potential deal. A half share in a SouthAfrican diamond mine, an option to develop a sports arena in Venezuela, mineral deposits in Ukraine. Who would have thought there were millions to be made from titanium, lithium, and beryllium, and even such mundane things as fluorite and nickel?

Up to now he hasn’t needed to jet off anywhere. He’s conducted all his transactions on the phone, but there’s talk of business trip to Australia in the coming weeks. If I can get the time off, I might go with him, but if not, we’ll manage. It’s unlikely, really. Rehearsals are gruelling, and attendance is mandatory.

Eva’s poised to fly over at a moment’s notice if we need her, and my dad has really surprised both of us.

He came with Eva, for the interviews, and cornered Adan in the dining room after I’d gone off to rehearsals and Eva was poring over application forms.

Adan offered to get out of his way, but my dad said it was him he wanted to talk to, and did he have a few minutes? Adan was somewhat stunned but never backs off from a confrontation. He sat back down and offered my dad a coffee. What came next was a real bolt from the blue.

“I’ve been ambushed,” my dad started, but according to Adan he didn’t seem unduly bothered. “First Ethan, then Eva. Now even Tom is singing your praises. What do they see that I’m missing?”

“My innate wit and startling good looks,” Adan ventured.

My dad just snorted, apparently. “Whatever, they all seem to think you’re serious about Rosie. That you’re actually good for her. And for Erin.”

Adan was a bit shell-shocked at the sudden about-face but had the sense to keep quiet and let him finish.

My dad went on, idly stirring his coffee as he spoke. “She seems happy, I’ll grant you that.”

“Yes, I think she is. She loves playing in the orchestra, and living in Vienna.”

“I always hoped she might make a career out of music. She’s so talented…”


“I gather we have your influence to thank for that. You convinced her to audition.”

“It was her decision,” Adan protested. “I only gave her a nudge.”

“Then supported her to follow her dream.”

“Well, it’s my dream, too. This way we can all be together.”

“She lovesyou, for reasons best understood only by her,” he replied. “I admit, I have my reservations. You know what they are, so we needn’t go over all that again. But she loves you, and you seem to make her happy, so that has to be good enough for me. It’s all I ever wanted for her, to be happy. And safe.”

“I know that.”

He just nodded. “So, we’re clear then? Keep her happy. Keep her safe, and don’t ever give her, or me, a reason to regret trusting you.”

“I mean to. Believe me.”

“Good. That’s all right, then.” He got up to leave. “Oh, and by the way, Eva says you’re welcome at Black Combe any time. And Tom’s looking forward to having his late-night drinking buddy back.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Who’d have thought you two would hit it off?”

Adan pushed his luck, just a little. “And am I? Welcome?”

My dad took his time answering, then, “I suppose we’ll just have to get along, won’t we? Or Eva’s going to make my life a misery and Rosie won’t be happy.”

“I guess we’ll try.” Adan offered his hand, and my dad took it.

Adan related the whole story to me that evening over supper. Baby steps, but… wow!

“My dad’s a good man, you know that?”

“I do. He loves you, as I do.”

“It was always about that, about wanting to protect me. It was never about you, never personal.”

He quirked his eyebrow. “Well, I guess we’ll be sharing that job now