I see desire there, and something else I can’t quite name. It might be pride. No, it’s not that, not exactly.
Respect. I see respect there, and it makes me bold.
I can do this. I want to do this. With him.
I strip quickly, then take the final couple of paces to stand between his knees. “What now?”
“Now, you arrange yourself across my lap. Get comfortable.”
“What if I fall?”
“I won’t let you fall.”
I suppose I knew that. I move to the side then place my hands on his thigh. “Like this?” I drape my body across his legs.
“Put your hands on the floor. Move your feet in a bit, raise your bottom up for me.”
Raise your bottom up for me. Oh God…
I do as he suggests, wriggling against his thighs. “Is this okay?”
“Yes, perfect. I’m thinking we’ll start slow, maybe ten spanks. How does that sound?”
I don’t know what to say. I have no yardstick for this, no frame of reference. “I suppose…”
“Yes. Ten,” he affirms, his hand gently palming my buttock. “You have a beautiful arse, Rosie. Have I told you that?”
“I… I don’t think… Yes, yes, you did.” My brain is melting under the gentle, rhythmic caress.
His fingers find their way into the groove between my buttocks, drifting lazily down, deeper, lower, until?—
“Aaagh? Christ, yes,” I moan when he reaches my private rear hole.
“Would you like me to fuck you here?” he enquires in a soft tone.
I nod furiously.
“Later, after you’ve been a good girl for me.”
Good girl?My brain abandons any remaining shred of sanity with just those two simple words. Jesus, what’s actually happening to me?
“Ten spanks, then, okay? Do you want to count?”
“I… yes.” I can manage that much. Probably.
The first spank lands across my right buttock, and despite my apparent readiness it comes as a shock. I jerk sharply, almost tumbling onto the carpet. But for his arm around my waist I might well have ended up on the floor.
“You okay?” He pauses, waits for me to steady myself. “We can stop if you want to.”
No, no, don’t stop!
“What was that,cara. You need to say it out loud.”
“I don’t want to stop,” I gasp. “Please.”
“We carry on, then.” He raises his palm and drops the second slap, on my left buttock.
Forewarned is forearmed and all that. It’s not such a shock this time. I still jolt hard but manage not to dislodge from my perch.