“San Antonio,” Bartosz growls. “This is unexpected.” His arctic tone suggests my presence is also an unwelcome intrusion into their world.
“I was keen to speak with you. I hope you can forgive me arriving unannounced.” Might as well try a little humble pie, at least to start with.
“That remains to be seen. What do you want?” Bartosz eyes me with undisguised suspicion.
I don’t beat about the bush. “You have been paid the money we agreed. I consider our arrangement to be concluded.”
“It’s concluded when I say it is.” This from Kaminsky.
“The ransom was five million,” I remind them. “Paid in full, along with your original stake of fifty thousand.”
“What makes you think we’ll be satisfied with that?” Kaminski demands.
“May I?” I gesture to the matching Chesterfield sofa on the opposite side of the office.
Kaminski waves his hand in agreement, so I take a seat. “I’m here to offer you a better deal.”
Kaminski’s eyes narrow. “What deal?”
“A partnership.”
“We don’t need partners,” Bartosz snarls.
“We all need partners,” I correct him. “You know by now I can make money for you. Good money. And fast.”
“And you will continue to do so,” he says.
I deliberately harden my gaze. I’m done with being affable. “No, I won’t. We’re square, I’m done.”
“That’s a shame. Poor Rosie.” His tone is low, ominous.
“One, I do not believe you will harm her, not now that you’ve been paid. And two, even if you did decide to do so, I suspect you’ll have to get past Ethan Savage first.”
‘Ethan is my ally,” Kaminski informs me. “Rosie is under his protection at my request. I can withdraw that protection as easily as I put it in place.”
Here goes.“Are you sure? Savage does not strike me as a man who is easily convinced to do anything he does not choose to. He likes Rosie and dotes on Erin. You sent her there to keep her safe from me, but as long as she remains on Caraksay she is beyond your reach, too. And perhaps you are not aware, Ethan has reason to be grateful to me, also. I doubt he will allow my family to come to harm.”
“What the fuck?” Kaminski is on his feet. “Ethan Savage wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire!”
“Well, it’s interesting that you should mention fires…” I begin.
Whatever Kaminski might have said next is forestalled by his underboss. “Are you saying you have met with Ethan Savage?”
“I have. I spent a couple of weeks, in fact, on Caraksay getting to know my daughter. I should thank you, Mr Kaminski, for making me aware of her existence.”
“You’re lying. Ethan never lets anyone visit his island.”
“I did not exactly announce my presence, this is true, but secrets have a way of getting out. Are you aware that there was recently a fire in one of the cottages on Caraksay?”
“We are aware, yes,” Bartosz replies. “Two children narrowly escaped with their lives.”
“They escaped because I rescued them. As I have said, Ethan was most appreciative, so much so that he was able to overlook my unorthodox presence in his domain and allowed me to leave to come here. So, you see, the goalposts have shifted considerably since I was last here.”
Kaminski glares at me as the truth of my words sinks in. I follow up with my trump card. “And let us not forget, Rosie and your wife are old friends. Even if you could square it all with Ethan, how will Janey react to you threatening her? Harming her or her child?”
I can hear his teeth grinding from here. Bartosz is the one to break the tense silence.
“You mentioned a deal,señor. What exactly do you have in mind?”