Page 54 of Savage Redemption

I nod. “Good, because you know how he is about strangers on the island.”

“Well, yes, but he’s right. We do have to be careful.”

“I know.” She’s only a kid, I don’t mean to put her on the spot. “Sorry. Look, I have to go, I need to get Erin fed. I can come back soon, though. If you like.”

“That would be nice. And please, bring Erin. I think Megan will let me out of here by tomorrow, but I don’t know where I’ll be living. Our cottage is all burned down.”

I give her a hug. “I wouldn’t worry about that. Just you concentrate on getting better.”

I leave the clinic under the watchful gaze of the guard and Megan, still confused over how I feel about Adan, but at least I do believe he’s in good hands.

There’s nothing else I can do but sit tight and wait. And hope Ethan doesn’t opt to err on the side of caution.



Everyone is assembledwhen I enter the conference room, most of them dishevelled and grubby after the afternoon’s drama.

“Thanks for being here,” I start, taking my usual seat at the head of the table and launching in without further preamble. “I’ve had accounts of what happened from Tony, Tomasz, Nataliya, and the construction crew. Does anyone have any thoughts to add to the obvious?”

“Who the fuck was that guy we dragged out with Andrej?” Jake pipes up. “He looked like one of the workmen, but what was he doing in Faith’s cottage?”

I incline my head. That’s the six-million-dollar question, and no one so far seems able to answer it. “His name, we’re told, is Carlos di Santo, and heispart of the building crew, a plumber, apparently. He’s still unconscious, down in the medical centre. Both Tomasz and Nataliya say he was apparently trying to help them.”

Tony nods thoughtfully. “That could be true, unless he started the fire.”

I’m reasonably certain he didn’t, but until I get an expert opinion and a proper investigation done, I can’t rule out that possibility. “Both the kids who I could speak to agree it started spontaneously, in the main bedroom. They were all in the kitchen and didn’t see anything until they noticed the smoke. Di Santo, apparently, showed up shortly after, cape flying.”

Jack chips in. “I don’t trust coincidences. What was he doing off the site to start with?”

“Claimed he needed medical attention, I’m told. Potential sprained wrist. But Megan has seen no sign of that.”

“He was up to something,” Jack insists.”

“I agree. Maybe we should?—”

I’m interrupted by the door flying open and young Nataliya bursts into the room, now minus her oxygen tube. “You can’t hurt him, you just can’t!” she screams at me.

To say I’m taken aback is an understatement. Nataliya is usually the meekest teenager I know, wouldn’t say ‘boo’ to a goose, let alone yell the odds at me in a roomful of my men.

“Nataliya, you shouldn’t be here—” I begin.

“He saved us, both of us. You can’t hurt him. I… I won’t let you.”

I get to my feet. “You need to calm down. I think?—”

“You’re a monster. I hate you!” She charges at me, fists raised.

I let her land a couple of ineffectual punches before I wrap my arms around her to stop further attacks. “Now, sweetheart, you need to go back to the clinic, You’re not well.”

“I’m fine. I just?—”

“Oh God, I’m sorry. She slipped out while I was checking on the mystery man.” Megan rushes in, breathless. “Can I take her back with me? She didn’t mean what she said, it’s just been such a stressful day.”

“I know.” I glance round the room of startled mobsters. “Jake, go with them, will you? See that Nataliya is safely escorted back to the clinic. Stay until she’s settled. And can someone find Faith and ask her to go down there as well?”

“Is the kid under guard, boss?”