My mind does its best to make light of the situation, but my heart is already breaking.
I'm hurting, alright, and how can I not?
Hale has had my heart since day one.
On the other hand, everyone in the Sanctuary knows how much the billionaire hates my guts...and why.
I still don't understand, God.
Hale's parents lost their lives because of a millionaire who had consumed one too many tequilas. And while my stepfather hadn't actually killed anyone, Henry had also ruined lives, albeit in a different way.
If Hale isn't the man You chose for me, then...
As far as the billionaire's concerned, an applecan'tfall far from the tree, and since I see no chance of ever changing his mind—-
Why do I love him still?
Four Years Ago
HALE'S STEPS SLOWEDto a halt upon entering the Rodent Room.Animal Weekwas one of the Sanctuary's most important annual celebrations, and today in particular saw his foundation hosting over a thousand students from various public schools.
Early education was an essential key to preventing senseless animal cruelty, but this one, though...
Hale caught the eye of a passing employee, and the younger man hurried towards him.
"Yes, sir?"
Hale checked the nameplate on the guy's shirt. "Jacob, isn't it?"
The man beamed at being addressed by name. "Yes, Mr. Hale."
Hale gestured to the exhibit. "When did we put this up?"
"The hamster exhibit? About three weeks ago, sir. It was sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery."
He did recall Harry and Devon telling him about adding a new exhibit, but Hale had assumed it would be something more on brand with the couple's Evergreen ranch, such as something equine. Or bovine.
"When we think about hamsters as pets, we usually think of them living happily ever after in cute little cages. Yes?"
Today's program had begun, and the infectious note of joy in the speaker's voice had Hale turning around in curiosity.
An intern?
She couldn't be anything else, since she didn't look old enough to be one of their full-time workers. She was also startlingly beautiful, almost like a real-life Barbie with her honey-blond hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin.
She walked back and forth on the stage while speaking, and her effortless grace made her seem like a supermodel in disguise. Or a princess even, sans her tiara.
White collared shirt, jeans, and sneakers made up the Sanctuary's standard uniform; it wasn't high fashion any way you look at it, but on her, it looked as if Chanel had gone casual, and she had been tapped to be the face and voice of their brand.
Hale struggled to look away.
But couldn't.