I can't help it.

I simplymustplug my ears and start playing the theme song fromThe Umbrella Academy.


It's a half-mile hike to my workplace, but dancing my way to the Sanctuary makes the distance negligible.

A rare sighting of a golden-cheeked warbler catches my eye, and I have my camera out in a flash even as I continue grooving to the beat.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Social media marketing isn't part of my job description, but we all do what we can to promote our non-profit, and I'm pretty sure Chickie will love these photos.

Oh yeah!

I'm still dancing and bobbing my head to the music while taking more photos along the way.

There's a squirrel and his newly found acorn—-


Pops of pink and purple from the asters that have bloomed against a backdrop of maples and oaks—-


AFree Little Libraryminiature house with its doors newly painted in orange and black.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

I'm slightly breathless by the time I reach the top of the steps, but I'm not sure if it's because of exhaustion or exhilaration.

Today is going to be a really, really good day, I can't help thinking giddily as I pop a caramel-flavored candy into my mouth.

The sweetness is as addictive as the scent of autumn, and I just have to close my eyes to savor it.

Thank You, God.

Today's going to be a good day for sure, and—-

"If you could step aside, please?"


I whirl around in shock, and I can feel my face draining with color as a furious pair of silver eyes collides with mine.

Poop, poop, poo—-oh, poop!

My lips have been silently forming each word in my panic, and it's only when I belatedly notice his hardened expression that I realize he's been lip-reading my thoughts the entire time.

Halp, God!

I've never been easy to embarrass, but there's just something about this man that makes everything so painfully awkward.

The billionaire glances at his watch, and my cheeks heat up at the pointed reminder that I'mstillstanding in his way.

"I'm so, so sorry, si—-"

My voice trails off as he walks past me like I'm invisible.