Hale's lips tightened as he skimmed the rest of the girl's resumé.


What the fuck did that even mean? Was that how people called it nowadays when girls were paid to party in clubs and bars?

Everything about this girl reeked of elitism, and even her way of seeking employment was proof of this.

Normal people only had their own efforts to rely on.

This girl, however...

Not only had she used her friendship with Harry to bypass the usual recruitment channels, but since the Sanctuary hadn't any openings at the moment, Harry was now asking permission tocreateone for her.

"How do you even know this girl?" Hale asked finally.

"I used to work at a real estate agency in Miami," Harry explained with a smile. "This was before I met Devon. Her stepfather was a client of ours, and I used to look after her during meetings."

A spoiled brat then,Hale thought with disgust. It was only a few years ago that Harry and Devon had married, which would put the girl in her early teens. Why the hell would a girl at that agestillneed a babysitter if she wasn't the rebellious or troublesome sort?

Harry couldn't help feeling bad when she saw the way her husband's close friend was doing his best to control his reaction. Devon had told her a little about Hale's past, and while she understood why this had made the other billionaire hostile towards people who were born rich...

"Could we give her a one-month trial at least?" Harry suggested. "If she steps out of line even once, I'll be the first one to ask her to go."

Harry's words had Hale frowning, but she told herself this was a good thing. It meant that he was at leastconsideringwhat she was saying rather than turning her down outright.

"We can forget about what I asked earlier," Harry added cajolingly. "If you can think of any other job—-"

"So if I say I'd like to assign her in—-"

Harry saw his lips start to move, and...and...was he about to say something that started with the letter M?


"Maintenance," Hale said at the same time.

Harry nodded without missing a beat. "Exactly what I was thinking, too." She got to her feet and beamed at her husband's friend. "Thank you, Hale."

The other man grunted, but Harry didn't mind. Her gorgeous husband was exactly the same when made uncomfortable by compliments.

"I know you only said yes because I'm Devon's wife."

"Don't discount the fact that everyone in Evergreen also thinks of you as their patron saint in the flesh," Hale said dryly. "If word gets around that I said no to the one and only time you asked for a favor, I have no doubt I'd be voted out of my own foundation in the next meeting."

Harry shook her head with a laugh. "We both know you're the one with anactualfanbase between the two of us."

"I'm no celebrity—-"

"But youarepart of SAFE 2.0," she pointed out cheerfully, "which makes you famousandhave a guaranteed fanbase."

It was Hale's turn to shake his head, but this time with a grimace.

SAFEstood for San Antonio's Finest Eligibles, and being a part of it was unfortunately out of Hale's hands. It was all up to the media and the public in generalwhowas considered SAFE, and his foster brother Rush had yet to tire of ribbing him about this.

A knock sounded on the door, and Harry's face lit with a smile when she saw her husband walk in.

"Hello, darling."

Harry's cheeks blossomed with color at the unabashed greeting, but her embarrassment was quickly forgotten with Devon pulling her into his arms for a kiss.