And yet...

In the past several years, ennui had even managed to take away his joy in their company. They had noticed this, too, but despite their frequent attempts to reach out to him, Hale had only felt himself drifting farther away from them.

Until now.

Hale knew the pleasure he felt in seeing Mikey again was real. And it was something he hadn't felt for years. He was able to feel joy again, but ironically, the only person he had to thank for this was also the same person making him feel he was about to run out of oxygen.

"I hope you didn't give Jenkins too much of a hard time," Mikey was saying. "I insisted that he keep things a secret. It's not every day people get to surprise the Great Aryan Hale." She looked at him slyly. "And wedidsurprise you, didn't we?"

His gaze bored through hers, and she laughed. "I guess I'll take that as a yes."

"Is Rush with you?" he asked.

"He is. But he had to step out and take a call. You know how you billionaires are with your phone calls." Mikey looked at him expectantly. "But enough about Rush.You'rethe one we need to be talking about. Did I really hear Jenkins right? You're gettingmarried?For real?"

"Have I ever been the type to waste time on something that'snotreal?"

Mikey a face. "To be fair—-you were born a sourpuss, and you never pretended to be otherwise."

"Then you have your answer, don't you?"

Mikey gave him another hug."Congratulations!"

His throat tightened anew, but Hale managed a tight-lipped smile. "Thanks."

"Buthow? Who?Is it someone Rush or I know?"

"I doubt it."

Mikey rolled her eyes. "Details, Hale.Details."

"You can ask her everything instead when we meet up in Jackson Hole. Does Rush have his jet with him?"


"Then you guys can catch up with Heaven and me—-" He stopped speaking when he saw Mikey jerk as if someone had suddenly walked on her grave.


"My fiancée's name. Heaven Gaines—-" Hale broke off for the same time as Mike's face lost color. "Mikey?" He reached for her, but she stumbled back to avoid his touch.

What the hell?

Mikey was now staring at him, and she looked completely terrified. "Did she...did she tell you about me?"

His gaze narrowed. "You know her?"

A strangled laugh escaped Mikey."Knowher? Oh, I more than know her, babe, and—-and—-" She choked back a sob. "I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but you can't marry her, Hale. She's bad news—-"

"If you're talking about her past—-"

"She's the reason I quit, Hale," Mikey cried out. "She pushed me off the runway, and I could never go back to dancing after that. She ruined my life, and she'll ruin yours, too, if you let her."

Hale could feel himself growing cold as Mikey rushed forward and clutched his shirt. "Please, Hale.Please.You have to trust me on this. If you know about her past, then you probably know about her stepdad, too.R-Right?"

Hale's jaw clenched.

"She's very,verygood at convincing people that she's just a victim, and that she's nothing like her stepdad. But she is, Hale. She is! And just...just t-think about howyourparents would feel if they knew you were to marry someone who's no different from the man that killed them?"