The pilot gets off the chopper and offers his hand to help me out, but I find myself shaking my head in refusal.

"Ms. Gaines—-"

"Just tell me what's happening," I say unevenly. "I promise I won't cause any trouble. I just need you to tell me—-"

"If it means anything—-I'm sorry. But I'm only doing what I've been ordered to do."

My stomach starts churning. "W-Whose orders?" I see him hesitate, and I feel like throwing up.


The pilot is still unable to meet my gaze as he finally gives me the answer I dread.

"The boss. I'm just doing what Mr. Hale ordered me to do."


PANIC STRUCK AS SOONas he turned away from Heaven. It was like getting sucker-punched out of the blue, and by the time the door to the roof deck slammed shut behind Hale, the idea of marriage resembled a hangman's noose tied around his neck.

And with every second that passed, he could feel the rope tightening, bit by fucking bit.

He called his secretary, and Jenkins answered right away.

"I'm sorry, sir—-"

"You better have a damn good reason for stopping me from flying."

"A package has arrived in your office," Jenkins explained, "and it's something you'll want to take with you to Jackson Hole."


"Yes, sir. There are actually two of them, and I've left both in your office."

Hale stared at his phone in disbelief as the line went dead. Did his own secretary just hang up on him?

What the hell?

This was completely out of character for the older man, and he wondered grimly if Jenkins was suffering from some kind of midlife crisis. Or whatever it was called when one was in theirearly sixties but with both the physical and intellectual faculties of someone still in his prime.

Hale tried to focus on his thoughts on Heaven as he took the elevator back to his floor, but all his mind cared to remember was that today was the same day he had lost his parents.

What the fuck's happening to me?

The thunderous expression on his face had those working on his floor quickly jumping out of his way even as they started exchanging knowing looks.

'There's trouble in paradise',those looks said,'and they're not even married yet!'

Hale shot them a glare, and his staff hurriedly got back to work.

He walked back into his office, and a brunette jumped off his desk with a grin.


She threw herself into his arms, and panic temporarily took a backseat as Hale gave her a bear hug.

Mikey and Rush were the only two people in his life Hale cared about. Prior to being adopted by the Wilfreys, Mikey had spent a couple of months in the foster home he and Rush had shared. It was only a short period, but it had been enough to build a lifetime bond.

The three of them would always be family by choice.