Mine for life.
His tongue mated with hers, and such was his hunger for her that Hale had a feeling he would've consumed her if he could. He wanted to own her. And then he wanted to fucking brand every inch of her as her body started writhing uncontrollably against his.
Hale knew Heaven had no fucking idea about how she was tormenting him.
But she was, dammit.
The way she moaned and rubbed herself against his arousal—-
The way the pouting tips of her breasts scraped against his chest—-
It was all pure fucking torture, but what had his control finally snap was when Heaven suddenly started sucking on his tongue.
A cry of protest spilled past her lips when Heaven suddenly found herself alone on the sofa bed. She turned her confused gaze to Hale, who now stood several feet away and breathing hard.
"I'll give you a choice," her boss said tautly. "We have breakfast then fly out to Jackson Hole to get married. Or I take you back in my arms, and I'll haveyoufor dessert."
I'VE NEVER BEEN THEtype to take long showers, but I find myself doing exactly that in a shameful attempt to delay the inevitable.
Everything that made so much sense last night when it was just the two of us now seems completely crazy.
Are wereallygetting married, just like that?
I wish I had the courage to say 'no', but...my shame only deepens when I realize I'm scared that he'll change his mind if I do.
Oh, Father in Heaven, what do You want me to do?
That Hale isHischoice, I'm still absolutely sure of.
But whether marryingnowis also His perfect timing?
The answer to this continues to elude me even when I'm already done changing.
I have an overnight bag pre-packed in my locker just for emergencies. But what I never imagined was how I might one day need an extra set of clothes...because my boss has made me cum one too many times.
That's the dirtiest thought I've ever had in my life, and my face is still flaming as I finally step out of Hale's en-suite.
"Just in time."
My cheeks turn a deeper shade of red at the mere sound of his voice, and Hale frowns when our gazes meet. "Everything okay?"
I would rather haveallof my teeth pulled than tell him the truth.
"You're sure?"
A distraction is definitely called for, but what?
I glance back at Hale absently, and that's when I notice how he's standing right in front of the balcony doors of his office.