Heaven stared at him in shock.
"Will you?"
"If you meant what you said—-"
"I d-did, but—-"
"Then you'll marry me."
Heaven couldn't believe this was truly happening. She had known he might think it was too fast, for her to confess herfeelings when it was only a few hours ago that he had stopped hating her.
This wasinsane.
Wasn't it?
"Look at me, Heaven."
The command in his tone spoke to her soul.
And so she did what he asked.
She looked into his eyes.
And what she saw made her want to weep.
Oh, Hale.
"Will you marry me?"
After what she saw in his eyes—-
"Yes, I'll marry you."
Hale and Heaven
WORK HAD ALWAYS BEENa two-way street for Hale. He welcomed rather than shunned its challenges. Even reveled and thrived in it.
Work kept his mind from getting dull and trained him to think on his feet.
But there were also times when work was his way of making him forget.
And right now, what he needed to forget was that today was his parents' death anniversary.
Hale waited until Heaven had fallen asleep in his arms before carefully extricating himself. His office couch also converted into a bed, and he had learned earlier that Heavenlovedto snuggle, if not against him then amidst a fluffy mountain of pillows instead.
He got to work in order to escape, and by the time the window blinds all over the Sanctuary had automatically started rolling up, Hale had accomplished everything on his mental task list.
But he also failed at what mattered most, with his parents' death still lingering at the back of his mind.
Hale sat down at the edge of the sofa bed.
I'm lucky to have her.