That was the fucking truth.

And while this terrified him as well—-

"Neither," he drawled.

That didn't mean he'd let Heaven have her way all the time.

She looked at him, startled. "Neither?"

"Yes, neither."

Because if it did, where would be the fun in that?

"Then you'd be—-"

"The billionaire who owns this place—-"

Heaven choked back a laugh.

"Andthisclose to firing your ass," he drawls, "if you don't get to the point and tell me—-"

"I love you."


She burst into laughter.

Hale remained unsmiling.

But this only made her laugh all the more even as the look in his eyes made her heart ache.

Oh, Hale.

Had no one ever told him how expressive his eyes were?

"Andthat'swhy it didn't feel right to say the words while I was naked," she said primly. "I was afraid you wouldn't take me seriously."

"I still don't," he rejected flatly. "I think you've lost your mind."

"Um, you got it wrong. It's my heart I lost—-"

Hale looked like he wanted to strangle her now.

"To you," she added helpfully.

Hale took a threatening step towards her, and Heaven quickly jumped a step back even as she was unable to keep herself from giggling.

"This isn't fucking funny, damn you."

"But it is—-"


Hale caught himself in time when he saw the way Heaven looked at him with hurt.

"I'm sorry," he said tautly. "I'll...try to stop swearing."

"Please don't do it for me."