He had treated them like they were nothing but objects for sexual gratification.
He had made them cum, but it was only for the sake of his own reputation. He hadn't wanted them to have any reason to complain about his skills in bed.
But to say that any of them had been his lovers would be an utter and blatant lie.
Every previous woman he fucked was just that.
A woman he had fucked.
And left when they no longer held his interest.
But even this early on, Hale already knew.
It would never be so with Heaven.
Because she was...different.
But since this truth threatened to drive him to his knees if he let himself think about it too fucking long—-
Just don't think then.
Just fuck.
But don't think.
Shame engulfed him at the crassness of this thoughts, but he clenched his jaw in resolve.
It's not like I promised her anything.
And it wasn't like he planned to hurt her either.
I'm just taking it moment by moment.
One fuck at a time.
But when they got to his office, and he had settled her gently down on his couch—-
She smiled shyly at him as he crouched down on one knee in front of her.
And instead of fucking and not thinking, he heard himself ask, "What do you want to do?"
Her eyes widened, and her shock...made him want to knock his head against a wall.
Because the way Heaven was staring at him now told him she had expected the same thing.
She had obviously thought he had taken her to his office to just fuck and not think—-
So why the hell aren't you doing it?
She obviously wants it, too.
So what the hell's stopping you?
He slowly cupped her face.
Say it, dammit.