I strive to hear His voice while taking a taste of my tomato soup and reheating some homemade rolls I found in the fridge.

Oh, Father in Heaven, please take pity on my poor brain.

But by the time I'm done with my mushroom risotto and mini stuffed bell peppers, it's still radio silence from the other side, and that worries me.

I know God will speak when He has something to say.

But there are also times when He needs to test us.

And times when we don't hear Him because we're not really listening.

I wish I knew which of these is true right now, but since I don't...

Fear not, Heaven, fear not!

Even when you think you can't hear Him—-

God's with you.

The sound of footsteps pulls me out of my thoughts, and my heart races when Mr. Hale comes into view.

It's my first time to see him fresh out of the shower, and his usual suit is replaced by a dark gray sweater that perfectly accentuatesthe broad slope of his shoulders and the massive expanse of his chest. His jeans are an equally good fit and add a touch of rugged masculinity to his otherwise sophisticated appearance.

"Is there something I can do to help?"

My nervousness fades when I hear his still-brooding tone, and I feel so, so bad for him again.

Everything happens for a reason, but I'm not sure I can tell Mr. Hale that.

To take comfort from knowing God's in control, you need to believe in Him first.

And so, in the meantime...

"All good," I say brightly.

I guess I'll do what I can to cheer him up, and...oh.

Mr. Hale pulls one of the counter stools out for me, and my heart flutters anew as I take my seat. He's acting like this is a date, but it's not.

Because he hates you, Heaven!

He's only forgotten he does because of the circumstances.

But once things are normal again, he'll go back to hating you, so don't let yourself forget!

He! Hates! You!


IT DIDN'T TAKE A GENIUSto know when the penny dropped for Heaven...and why.

One moment, she was smiling at him like she used to.

And then it was gone.

Because sheremembered.

All the times he had punished her for her stepfather's sins.