"Now that we're clear on where we both fucking stand—-" His voice takes on a mocking note. "You're free to go, Ms. Gaines."
I'm no longer able to meet his gaze as I nod and get to my feet. I turn around and find myself practically running. I yank the door open and nearly crash into Mrs. Goodwill.
The older woman jumps back and tries to laugh away her embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I just happen to be walking by—-"
Mrs. Goodwill lets out an alarming squeak, and it's only when I hear the door slam shut behind me that I realize what freaked her out.
"Shit,"I hear her say under her breath.
And when she turns to face me again, it's as if she's transformed into a monster, and all I can do is back away.
"Did you see how Mr. Hale looked at me? He thinks I'm your friend!"
Mrs. Goodwill isscreaming.
And I don't get it.
Why does she have to scream when I'm standing right in front—-
"Mr. Hale was right about you," Mrs. Goodwill says loudly.
"You're exactly like the man who killed his parents."
She wants to make sure Mr. Hale hears her.
"You're likable and charming, but it's all a lie, and I'll make sure to warn everyone about you."
All I can do is stand there as I watch Mrs. Goodwill march away.
I have a feeling her words are motivated more by fear than conviction. I think she just wants to protect her job.
And I get it, I really do, but...it doesn't make things hurt any less.
But thank God, oh thank God.
Thank God I know I'm not alone.
Because every time I start thinking there are still good people in this world, I end up disappointed.
And without God in my life, I know it would only be a matter of time before my disappointment turns into hopelessness and despair.
Fear not, Heaven. Fear not. You always have Him.
And it's these words I end up clinging to for the next four years, as word of Mr. Hale's dislike of me spreads like wildfire, and I end up becoming an outcast once more.
Present Time
Hale couldn't stop swearing even as he switched his laptop on and keyed in his password to gain access to the company's security network. A few more clicks, and he was now able to replay his encounter with her earlier.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He watched himself walk out on her. An act that should've given him pleasure but all it did now was make him want to run after her.
And beg for her fucking forgiveness.