"The only reason you're working here is because I couldn't say no to Harry. And the terms we agreed upon were pretty clear."
"—-shouldn't talk unless you're asked to, Ms. Gaines. Which I haven't. Have I?"
I'm about to say 'no', see his lips tighten, and realize it's better to shake my head instead.
He stares at me then, and what I see in his silvery gaze pierces my heart.
I thought I was imagining it earlier, but it seems I was right the first time.
What I thought was fury in his eyes was hatred instead.
How can this manhateme when we're meeting for the first time?
Only one reason comes to mind, and I can feel myself start to pale.
"Did Inotjust fucking warn—"
"—-y-you angry at me because of my stepfather?"
My stomach is churning like mad now, but Ihadto ask it.
"Angry doesn't even cover it."
My heart starts breaking into pieces the moment I hear this.
This is obviously why Hilary took painstaking care to warn me against getting on his wrong side. Everwind may be thousands of miles away from Miami, but it seems there's no escaping my stepfather's crimes. I can't even fathom how Henry has managed to blackmail Mr. Hale—-
"Men like your stepfather are the reason whymyparents are dead."
—-and that's because it never happened at all, since I got it all wrong.
"And you're no different either."
"Mr. Hale, I'm not—-"
"That butter-can't-melt-in-my-mouth-look may work on others, but it doesn't fucking do anything to me. And do you know why?"
All I can do now is look at him while my heart continues to break. Mr. Hale doesn't even know me, but he's already made up his mind that I'm just as deceitful as Henry.
"The man who killed my parents was exactly like your stepfather. And you."
"Likable as hell," he throws at me in a scathing voice. "And charming as fuck. That's how he got away scot-free...but I'll be damned if I'll let it happen again."
I want to defend myself, but the words die in my throat when I see the pain in his eyes.
"I don't fucking like you, Ms. Gaines. And I'll be keeping my eye on you at all times. Just one fucking mistake, and you're out. And there is no fucking way you'll get any second chances from me."
I can only trust myself to nod.
I'm terrified if I try to speak, I'll start crying.