Page 65 of Kilted Hate

He walked beside his horse, while the woman beside him, walked beside hers. Clearly, they were giving their beasts a rest. That, or they had just decided to walk instead of ride.

“Hello, Kai,” she said, pinning a smile on her face, and doing her best to try and calm her beating heart.

“What the devil are ye doing out here at this time o’ night?” he said, once he reached her.

The three fell into step and continued walking.

“Oh, I just needed some air.”

He gave her a look of disbelief. “And clearly, there is nay air anywhere Behind the safety of the castle walls,” he teased.

Katherine laughed, but did not elaborate. No doubt, he had questions, but she was under no obligation to provide him with the answers.

Looking at the very pretty woman walking beside him, Katherine said, “Are you not going to introduce us?”

“O’ course. Where are me manners? Katherine, this is Ava MacDonald. Ava,” he gestured from one woman to the other, “this is Lady Katherine de Beaumont. Me braither’s soon-to-be wife.” He paused and frowned. “Unless, ye’ve killed him while I’ve been away.” He looked at her intently, still clearly teasing her. “Ye havenae killed him, have ye?”

Katherine beamed a grin, and feeling the heavy tension slip away, the tension that had doused her soul only moments before, she shook her head. “I assure you. Your brother is alive and well.”

“Darn it,” Kai said, snapping his fingers.

“Are you ever serious?” Katherine asked.

“Nae if I can help it. Seriousness is a disease o’ the miserable, and I am determined nae tae catch it.”

Katherine now looked at Ava. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“And I, ye, me lady,” Ava replied in a beautifully soft voice.

“Please, just call me Katherine.”

Ava smiled and nodded, but said little more. Her long golden hair was tied in a braid that draped in front of one shoulder. She was pretty, and yet, her eyes held something within that Katherine found intriguing. As though, even at her young age, for she imagined she might even be younger than Katherine at twenty-three years old, she had dealt with a lifetime of experience.

Rather than slender, she appeared lean, in fact, almost athletic, and yet, as she walked, she still appeared graceful. The light dusting of freckles over her nose and cheeks gave her an almost childlike appearance, but Katherine sensed she was anything but.

As the three continued towards the castle, the conversation was a mixture of Kai and Katherine, for Ava spoke very little. In fact, she was the complete opposite of Kai. While he was outgoing, and clearly a charmer, Ava portrayed a far demurer character. It made Katherine wonder how they could be friends at all. And yet, she did not doubt it, for during the conversation, and particularly witnessing their shared laughter and glances, their closeness was evident.

As they reached the castle, Katherine made certain that Kai and the horses were between her and the guards. She did not need any awkward questions highlighting her lies. The lies she had told each and every one of them. The lies she would need to continue telling, for fear of what Reginald might do.

Bidding goodnight to Ava and Kai, Katherine made great haste to her bedchamber, terrified of being discovered, particularly bythe twins. Once inside and alone, she flopped down onto her bed in the most unladylike fashion, trying to make any sense out of her racing thoughts.

What am I going to do? What am I going to do?


After breakfast the following morning, Domhnall had made his way to his study. Apart from wanting to read over the latest reports that were coming in from the scouts, he also wanted to ensure that everything was on track for the wedding.

In four days, he and Katherine would become man and wife. It was bizarre to imagine how much had changed in his mind from the moment she had arrived until then. Rather than an obligation, he now looked forward to their union, and from what he could tell, from Katherine’s own words and actions, she too, was now far more at ease with the arrangement.

Before all that had happened between them, he had imagined he would not care at all about his English wife. Now he wanted to spend the rest of his life being Katherine’s protector. Loving her, wrapping her up in a bubble, and letting no harm come to her ever again.

Finished with the reports and the organization of the wedding, he sat back in his chair and contemplated the recent attacks. The scouts were having little success in their endeavors, and thus, he was no closer to discovering who was orchestrating them, or to what end.

Missives had arrived from the guests he had messaged, all telling him the same thing. They were arriving for the wedding, and they knew nothing of any plan to try and overthrow his lairdship.

They’re hardly going tae admit it, if it is them.

His inquiry had been a long shot at best. All those invited were either close allies, friends, or strong acquaintances, none of whom had any reason or desire to inflict what he had experienced twice now. Besides, the fact that his attackers were English still niggled in the back of his mind. If it was an effort to overthrow him, and if the attacks were backed by any Scottish clan, it had to be an enemy. Who they were, however, was a mystery to him.