“Tesoro... forgive me, but you’ve caught me a bit off guard,” he muttered, and I blushed as I looked anywhere but his eyes.

“Well... you know I’m on my OB/GYN rotation, and we’ve been delivering many babies. I always thought I wanted to have children, but my brothers told me I probably wouldn’t be a good mother, putting my career first and all. And, I don’t know… I just wanted to ask if you had ever thought about it.”

“I’ll fucking kill them…”he muttered in his all too attractive language before he let out an irritated sigh. “Tesoro, you’d better not ever repeat what you’ve just told me. You are the most intelligent, caring, and loving woman in the world. You would be the absolute best mother, guaranteed. Don’t listen to what those idiots have to say,” he said, pushing my hair behind my ear, and I nodded.

“As for me, I want children… both girls and boys. Less than six or seven.” He shrugged, and I choked on my spit.

“Seven?!” I asked in shock, and he chuckled as he shook his head.

“I’m kidding, Tesoro. Two or three is probably the sweet spot.”

I nodded. “Have you thought of any names?” I asked, and he sighed as he rubbed my knee.

“Unfortunately, Tesoro, I am not an over-planner or thinker such as yourself. So no, they hadn’t crossed my mind. Do you have any names in mind?”

“Silas for a boy and Eden for a girl,” I whispered, slightly embarrassed that I already had them in mind, and he smiled.

“Their names are beautiful... and if you don’t have to study,” he replied, leaning into my ear, and I flinched as he whispered seductively,“we could always start practicing now.”

Chapter twenty-three


“Tesoro…” Levi muttered angrily as he watched me walk back and forth in my closet, debating what to bring on the trip. I had two suitcases open on the floor, and my room was an entire mess. Hopefully Grayson wasn’t under the pile of clothes…

“We are going for just a few days…” he attempted to explain, and I sighed as I turned to look at him.

“But... I-I just want to have options… and what if we have multiple things we want to do, or something gets dirty, or we decide to stay longer,” I pouted, and he glanced over my room before his eyes caught something embarrassing.

“Is that why you packed half of your underwear drawer?” he asked, and I almost tripped as I quickly closed the drawer and glared at him.

“That was private first of all, and second… what if something happens?” I asked softly, and he sighed as he took a seat on the bed and patted his lap. I reluctantly walked over to him, and he placed his hands on my waist as I looked into his eyes.

“What’s wrong, Tesoro?” he asked, and I bit my lip.

“I... just want everything to go perfect.”

He nodded and caressed my hips slowly.

“Packing two suitcases and a carry-on isn’t going to make it automatically perfect, baby,” he countered, and I gazed over my messy room as I looked back over to him.

“But it just… gives me reassurance,” I said softly, and he sighed as he placed a small kiss on my stomach.

“I know, baby, but you don’t need to overpack so much just to be safe. God knows you don’t need ten dresses, let alone twenty-five pairs of underwear.”

Reluctantly, I nodded in agreement, and my face reddened as he squeezed my hips.

“Now be agood girland finish packing. You get one carry-on and one suitcase,” he bargained, and I smiled as I nodded once again, causing him to pat my bum softly, pushing me to continue.

Finding the perfect outfits, I began to pack them when I noticed Levi was leaving the room to take a phone call. I gazed over at him as he left and froze slightly as I noticed the phone he had in his hand was dark grey… not black...dark grey.

When he gave me his phone to put in my number, it was jet black. Whenever he’s used it here… it’s been jet black. When he let me read his messages to Mitchel... it was jet black.

Teegan, you’re being ridiculous.

Come to think of it, when I read the messages in the car… I didn’t think to focus on the color of the phone.