He remained silent as he looked at me for a moment before replying.

“You’re not wrong… but I neither like nor dislike you,” he clarified, and I nodded…

At least it’s a start.

“Would you like to know what I don’t like about you?” he asked me, and I pondered for a moment.

Do I really want to know what Elliot thinks of me? What if it’s something I am unable to change? What if I’m coming between his friendship with Levi?

“Yes, please,” I replied even as my overthinking advised me otherwise, and he clenched his jaw for a moment before speaking.

“You’re gullible, innocent, intelligent, attractive, and short,” he said as if he’d rehearsed it a million times in his head, and I was taken aback slightly.

I couldn’t tell if he was complimenting me or insulting me… Innocent, intelligent, attractive, and short, I can understand, and I even appreciate being called intelligent and attractive… but—

“How am I gullible?” I questioned him, tilting my head, and he stood to his full height as he approached me slowly. I played with my fingers for a moment as I suddenly began to feel nervous.

“You tell me what’s not naive about a five-foot little girl letting four dangerous and unknown men into her apartment as if, in any split second, they wouldn’t do anything and everything to her if they wanted to,” he said, his eyes silently taunting me, and my face went red as I turned away from him.

“Well, when you put it that way…” I whispered to myself as I finished chopping up the last of the veggies.

Elliot sighed after a few awkward seconds. “What I don’t like about you, Teegan… is also exactly what I do like about you, what I think would be good for Levi to have around him. But he…wemay not be good for you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, and he shook his head.

“Some other time,” he muttered.

I didn’t say anything as I finished the sauce and stopped the pasta noodles from boiling. Setting out four plates and a bowl forleftovers, Elliot watched me as I prepared food for him and the boys rummaged through my drawers in the living room.

“I usually make a lot extra to eat during the next few days or so... just so I won’t be hungry. Maybe you could bring Levi a bowl if you happen to see him today or tomorrow?” I said suggestively.

Elliot contemplated his following few words before speaking. “You can bring it to him yourself... no need to go study in a boring library. You should study with him.”

“And I thought you said he, or rather all four of you, wouldn’t be good for me to have around?” I asked as I handed him a plate, and he looked me up and down for a moment before he shrugged.

“Just because I say you shouldn’t be around doesn’t necessarily mean that he… or I don’t want you around,” he muttered and took a seat at the island as he began eating.

Micah and Nico looked over, and Micah was the first to rush over and sit beside Elliot to start eating.

“Is there any particular reason that you have about forty candles in your living room drawers and closet?” Micah asked after taking his first four bites, finishing his sentence off with a bite of the garlic bread.

“Simple. She’s a hoarder,” Nico muttered as he brought over three of the same candles entitledLaundry Day. “Any sane person wouldn’t buy three of the same candles,” he said, and I huffed, placing his food in front of him as I crossed my arms defensively.

“Two of those are the backups for the regular backup to replace my current one I’m burning in my room.”

Nico took a seat on the island and shook his head as Micah spoke. “No wonder it constantly smells like laundry and flowers in here.”

Ignoring them, I grabbed the three candles and walked back over, sighing as I noticed about ten more candles with their lids open were scattered on the floor, most likely from their interest in smelling them.

Quickly putting them away and placing a sleepy Grayson on the couch to sleep, I went back over to the kitchen, only for the three of them to be staring at me angrily.

“Eat,” Elliot demanded, and only then did I notice my food was getting cold while they were almost done.

Standing on the other side of the kitchen bar counter, I took a bite as a sense of warmth filled my chest… one that was slightly the same as spending time with Levi, however, this didn’t feel romantic. It was almost brotherly... From making them food to cleaning after them, to being forced to eat, they reminded me of my own brothers. Only they didn’t make it their goal to tear me down and belittle me… well, Elliot didn’t tear me down, as much as they did.

“After you’re done, grab your things. We’re going to Levi’s,” Elliot muttered, and I nodded as I continued eating.

Once I was done, I grabbed my bags and books... well, picked them up and handed them to Nico and Micah to put in the car. Afterwards, I gave my sleepy kitty a kiss goodbye before exiting my apartment and closing the door behind me.