Thinking about it for five seconds, I responded, “She has preeclampsia...”
“And if natural delivery is often recommended for this sort of condition, why are we performing a C-section?”
“Is the baby in breech position or in fetal distress?” I asked him quickly, and he nodded as he placed the clipboard down on the counter.
“Both. Now hurry up and scrub in. We’re in Operating Room #22,” he ordered, walking away.
I jumped up in place excitedly as I practically dashed to the locker room to change into a pair of scrubs.
The smile on my face overwhelmed my racing heart and feelings of fainting from excitement as I quickly switched out of my clinical clothing and threw on my scrubs and sneakers. Afterrushing over to OR 22, the nurses helped me scrub in, and I joined my resident as he was already prepping for the incision.
The attending physician wasn’t here yet, and as if he heard my thoughts, he said, “Dr. Rana will be here momentarily… but we don’t have much time to waste, and you’re the only student that I would trust a life in the hands of currently. Just follow, cut when I tell you, and retract when I need you to.”
I nodded quickly as he grabbed the scalpel. “Understood, sir.”
“Time out. We will be performing a cesarean section on a breeched and in-distress fetus. Mother is in preeclampsia and is prepped and ready. Damian Woods, fourth-year resident,” he said and looked over to me to speak.
“Teegan Monroe, third-year medical student.”
All of the other medical personnel followed, and soon, Damian was making the first incision. After twenty minutes of retracting, cutting, and dabbing away the blood with sponges, Dr. Woods made contact with the baby. Slowly, he pulled the little boy out, and I had to control my excitement as he handed the baby to me and clamped the cord.
Stepping over to the mother, who was doing her best, my heart swelled as she looked at her baby with utter love despite feeling the effects of the light anesthesia. Before handing the baby to the nurse beside me, I couldn’t help but smile as the baby cried its first cry in my arms.
Placing him in the sterile blanket, I went back over to the table to help close, which took another forty-five minutes in itself. Soon, we’d finished, and Dr. Woods was assisting me in taking off all of my bloody OR gear.
“Excellent job, Dr. Monroe. I will be calling you into the next case in about thirty minutes.”
“Not a problem… but I’m not a doc—”
“Yet. You aren’t one yet. If we didn’t have an actual curriculum to follow, you best believe I would be shitting bricks becauseyou’d be able to replace me in a heartbeat. Now go get something to drink. You have a half hour.”
I nodded happily as I exited the OR area and ran to the bathroom.
Jumping up and down happily, I couldn’t help but feel tears of joy come to my eyes as all of my hard work had paid off.
Calling the first person I thought of at the moment, he answered on the first ring.“Tesoro.”
“I did good, Levi!” I cried happily as tears fell down my face. “I delivered my first baby in the operating room, a-and the doctor was proud of me! I’m so happy,” I cried, sobbing.
“Calmati, amore mio, calm down, Tesoro, breathe. I know you are excited, but I don’t want you to get yourself worked up.”
“Okay,” I whispered, wiping away my happy tears, and he chuckled softly.
“If only you knew how proud I am of you. Now take a breath and get some water, okay?”
“Okay,” I said again, laughing before he spoke once again, only this time in a much darker tone.
“For being such a good girl and doing such a good job... maybe you’ll get a reward when I see you, hmmm?”hemuttered, and my cheeks flared up again as I thought back to his message from before.
“Okay, gotta run. I’ll see you later!” I said quickly as I ended the call and leaned against the door. The smile on my face was accompanied by a not-so-innocent blush as I recalled his rather colorful language in our text messages.
This day just gets better and better.
Chapter fourteen
Soon, my shift in the hospital was coming to an end, and I found myself taking a quick shower in the girls’ locker room. The smile on my face was huge, and I was entirely too excited for my own good.