Looking behind his father, who was speaking, my eyes locked onto the devil himself, sitting alongside the head faculty on stage as the school’s “golden boy” whose father wasoh so proud of.

Our eyes locked for a moment, and he sent me a wink as I averted my eyes back to his father, who was now also staringdirectly at me. I played with my fingers unconsciously as he continued to speak, slowly moving his gaze off of me.

“The new changes we have planned promise to be both exciting and transformative for our future doctors of medicine. However, we recognize that they may also present challenges along the way… I am committed to guiding our students and faculty through this transition, and I am deeply honored to accept the offer to serve as chairman of the board. While working alongside Dean Prescott, we are hoping that the new and improved opportunities for students, as well as changes to the curriculum, will be able to take effect soon. Thank you,” he finished, and we clapped once again as he left the podium to take a seat by his son once more.

I practically zoned out the last portion of the assembly before we were all dismissed. Walking out of the auditorium, I made my way outside as I sighed internally. Dr. Harrington becoming chairman of the board would only give him more power and status… meaning Alec could use that to his advantage, too. If he was this terrible with his father simply funding the school, imagine how bad he’d be if his father were practically running the place.Not like he isn’t already.

No. Don’t think negatively, Teegan… He may just leave you alone.


Or not.

Turning toward the voice, I looked to see Alec standing smug in his suit as he approached me slowly, and following him was Dr. Harrington.

“I’d like to personally introduce you to my father, Dr. Oliver Harrington. Father, this is one of my classmates, Teegan Monroe.”

“Ah, yes. Ms. Monroe… one of our top students. Alec has told me so much about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said witha smile, and I nodded, trying to keep my voice from trembling as their gazes felt almost suffocating.

“Likewise, sir,” I responded.

“Teegan is actually on an OB/GYN rotation with me this month… and has already gained the attention of many of the hospital staff due to her impeccable work,” Alec remarked suggestively.

Dr. Harrington smiled at me. “Excellent work, Ms. Monroe. I can only hope my son is up to par with how you’ve set the standard.”

He isn’t.

Giving a warm smile in response, my phone buzzed in my pocket, and my heart skipped a beat as I knew exactly who it was already.

“Unfortunately, I need to get going. My ride is here, but it was a pleasure speaking with you,” I said.

Dr. Harrington spoke again. “Oh well, that’s not a problem. Alec, you could accompany Ms. Monroe outside. I’m sure you could do a bit more catching up before your busy hospital shifts tomorrow.”

“I-it’s fine, really. I can just see him tomorrow—” I began, but Dr. Harrington cut me off.

“I insist. Besides, I have to make a quick stop in the dean’s office anyway. Take as much time as you need, son.” I couldn’t even say anything as Alec began walking us out of the building with his hand on my lower back.

“Did I tell you how fucking sexy you look in this little outfit of yours?”

His hand began wandering lower, and I pulled out of his hold, walking to the exit a bit faster. My outfit consisted of nothing but my plaid coat, jeans, and my ankle-cut booties, so finding the sexy he was discussing seemed a bit of a challenge.

He chuckled and followed close behind as he continued, “You can’t ignore me forever, baby girl.”

My body felt like having a flight or fight reaction as his words sounded more threatening than they actually were.

Opening the exit doors, I walked down the steps only to be stopped by his hand coming around my wrist. I did my best to pull away, but he turned me to face him.

“Alec. Please,” I muttered, and he leaned in slowly.

“What’s it gonna take for you to stop running, hmm? All I want to do is talk, baby.”

I tried pulling my hand once again when I paused as I heardhisvoice.


Both Alec and I looked over to see Levi standing by his very expensive car. Alec’s hand loosened a bit, and I pulled mine out quickly as I went over to Levi, placing my arms around his neck. He pulled me in, wrapping his arms around my waist as he placed a small kiss on my hair. However, I flinched slightly as he placed his hand on my bum, squeezing it.

My face flushed red as I realized Alec was still there and had been watching our interaction. Pulling away from Levi, I looked up at his eyes to see them sinisterly gazing at Alec as his hands still held me close. They had a possessive look in them almost but they were also slightly murderous as his jaw clenched in irritation.