“Teegan, I’m sorry! I got caught up in the moment and completely forgot about you. I promise it won’t ever happen again. Please forgive me,” Beverly said, pleading beside me as I studied in the library.
My next rotation in the hospital was going to be OB/GYN, and I would start in a few days’ time. I had to brush up on my terminology as I spent the last few days studying for my shelf exams while also dedicating some alone time to Grayson and my couch.
I hadn’t spoken to Beverly lately, and she’d spotted me in the library and came over. I was a bit angry at her for kinda abandoning me at Alec’s party, not to mention he was all touchy-feely, making me feel grossed out for the entire time there.
How can you forget a person that you literally forced to get up, dressed, and come to a party that they didn’t even want to go to in the first place?
…Is what I want to say.
“It’s fine, Bevs. No harm done,” I muttered and felt slightly defeated. Nonetheless, she was one of my closest friends; I shouldn’t have to lose her over a small mistake.Right?
She hugged my arm happily and pulled away after a few moments. I was looking forward to her possibly pulling out her own homework so we could study in silence, but I groaned internally as she spoke again, pulling me from my reading.
“...So, Alec tells me you’ve been ignoring him,” she remarked.
I bit my lip as I played with the end of my knit sweater. “I have nothing to say to him. Not after he was trying to make a desperate move on me at the party…” I said and felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I went to grab it.
“I get it. But he’s been trying to go out with you for the last year…” she said, and I shrugged my shoulders. Beverly wasn’t really trying to make me go out with him, was she?
“Even if he was, Bevs, I don’t really like him that much,” I said as I looked at the clock to check the time. Alec was nice at times, but he was also vulgar, arrogant, and sometimes scary. The fact that his father basically bought his place in the school didn’t make it any better.
“Hmm. So, who do you like?” she asked suggestively, and I blushed as I shrugged my shoulders, closing my laptop. “Oh, come on. There’s got to be someone other than Grayson that you’ve given at least a second glance.”
I contemplated as I thought about who I truly likedwhen he spoke for himself.
My spine immediately straightened as I looked over at him. My blush grew on my face as I gazed over to see him looking as gorgeous as ever.My gosh, he’s so pretty.
His attire, consisting of a black fitted t-shirt, black jeans, and black Chelsea boots, truly did him justice. I stood up happily ashe approached the table, and I engulfed him in a hug, to which he simply ran a hand up and down my back soothingly.
“I texted you, telling you I was coming to pick you up from the library. It seems you’ve been busy…” he muttered, looking over my working space, and I nodded as I looked up at him, his eyes captivating me.
He smelled so good.
He twirled a piece of my hair gently as he asked me a question. “Did you eat this afternoon?”
I bit my lip, feeling guilty as he’d told me a few days ago to take breaks and make sure to eat something. It totally slipped my mind today as I was trying to get all of my work done.
“I’m sorry. I-I was just trying to finish all my work,” I said softly.
He caressed the side of my face with his hand. “Pack up. We’re leaving to get you something to eat and then rest.”
I nodded, pulling away, but froze when I realized Beverly was still there, silently watching our interaction.How embarrassing…
“Oh, sorry. Um, Bevs, this is Mr. Amante, and Mr. Amante, this is my friend Beverly.”
“I thought I was your friend…” he said, placing a hand on the small of my back, and I nodded as I turned to look at him. He seemed a bit agitated at the mention of me having another friend.It was cute.
“You are. Sorry, Bevs, this is my friend, Mr. Amante,” I said, smiling, and he nodded.
“I’ll be waiting outside.”
I nodded as I began to pack my belongings as he walked away.
“Teegan,” Beverly muttered, and I looked up to see she was in utter shock. “H-how did you meet him?” she asked softly.
I shrugged. “He was a patient in the emergency room, and he was helping my neighbor move.”