Running my hand through my wet hair, I wrapped my towel around my waist as I exited the bathroom. In my room, I bit my lip as I watched Tesoro mio sit on the bed comfortably as she had three books, her laptop, flashcards, and highlighters scattered over the comforter.

Her hair was pulled into a high bun, and after she’d taken a shower, she was sitting dressed in one of my grey hoodies that engulfed her entirely and a spare pair of black boyshort underwear that she kept in her bag in case of emergencies.

Always an overthinker and an over-planner… And too fucking smart for her own good.

Her questioning earlier made me realize how perceptive she actually was to everything around her.It pissed me off.Here I was… trying to hide everything from her and protect her at the same time, and yet shealmostfound out. Granted, I may have been a bit reckless, but that was just in my nature. I told her the truth initially... how I would kill any man for her. However, her overreaction to me planning to do just that made me switch to my cover plan.

Despite her cleverness, convincing her to believe me was almost too fucking easy. Made me realize how much power a few words can have over her racing mind. Now, all of her worries were at ease, and as I wanted, I was once again the perfect vision of a man in her mind.

Realizing my power over her, it didn’t take much for me to convince her to stay the night. Unfortunately, I had to find a way to bring the cat over so she could actually sleep, but after asking the guys, she was finally excited for our “sleepover.”

As I crossed the room, grabbing some clothes for bed, I could feel her precious eyes watching me. Turning around, I chuckled as a blush rose to her face from being caught, and she looked away as I approached her slowly.

“Don’t be shy, Tesoro...” I whispered as I placed my hand under her chin and made her look back over to me as she bit her lip. “You’ve seen it all, haven’t you?” I muttered, and she stayed silent as she softly ran her fingers up and down my defined torso. I had half a mind to throw her onto the bed and show her who she belonged to, but I kept my composure as I placed a kiss on her lips.

Hearing my phone, I groaned as I pulled away and walked over to my nightstand to answer it.

“What,” I snarled, and Elliot spoke.

“You want to tell me why the fuck the cat was waiting outside with a bag of treats and a toy like he was waiting for his damn Uber?”heasked, confused, and I sighed as I rubbed my temples.

“Teegan called her iPad at home and told him to get ready and that you guys were picking him up,”I muttered, slightly feeling embarrassed and confused as Teegan giggled beside me.

“Fucking ridiculous. How is it that he’s able to answer a call?”Elliot asked.

Micah spoke.“Same reason my he’s wearing a sweater that says ‘mama’s boy.’ He’s gotta be a human… I swear.”

Deciding I’d heard enough of their antics, I ended the call only to still see my Tesoro laughing up a storm. Groaning, I pulled her by the ankle over to me, causing her to let out a soft squeal.

“What’s so funny, little girl?” I asked, and she continued giggling tremendously.

“You and the guys… it’s funny how you don’t know whether or not to treat Grayson as a cat or a person.” She continued giggling, and I rolled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her against my naked chest.

“You know it’s not that funny,” I muttered, and she finished her giggling as she placed another kiss on my lips.

Looking into her eyes, I debated whether or not I should say my next words, but I knew that I would need to tell her eventually.

“Tesoro... At the end of the month, I’ll be flying to Greece for a few days to conduct business matters,” I stated, and her mood changed slightly as I could tell she didn’t exactly want me to leave her…Perfect.

“Oh, really?” she muttered solemnly, and I nodded as I placed a kiss on her neck.

“I wanted to ask if you would be willing to come with me,” I said, and she froze, looking into my eyes. “You don’t need to give me an answer now,” I continued, calming her nerves, and she shook her head.

“N-no. I-I want to go,” she whispered, and I smiled genuinely as I caressed her hair.

“You don’t have to make the decision so quickly, Tesoro,” I assured her, even though I had already planned for her to come, and she shook her head once again.

“I want to. It’ll be during my break from my clinical rotations… and our first trip together. I just need to find a catsitter for Grayson,” she said, pondering, and we listened to the bickering of Elliot, Nico, and Micah as they entered the apartment.

“I think I just found the perfect guys. Go say hi. I’ll get dressed and meet you out there for dinner.”

She nodded her head and stood up, making her way to the door. Although my hoodie practically engulfed her frame, her legs had me holding back a groan as I unintentionally imagined them wrapped around my waist.

After getting dressed, I walked out to see Tesoro sitting on the couch. The cat was comfortingly rolling around in her lap, and the guys watched as if they were confused.

“How are you two so inseparable?” Nico asked, and Teegan shrugged as she picked Grayson up and smothered his face in kisses. He, in turn, remained still, letting her express her affection toward him.

“You wish that was you,” Micah muttered, looking over to me, and I rolled my eyes as I beckoned the three of them silently over to the dining room.