“Looks like you’re not living in a shoebox… that’s good, I suppose,” Dakota remarked as he entered and examined my space that felt safe only moments ago.
I closed the door softly as I bit my lip and played with the end of my sweater.
“What are... y-you two doing h-here?” I asked, and Declan scoffed.
“Can’t even visit our little sister anymore? Wow. Didn’t expect you to be this upset to see us…” he said as he walked around the living room as well. “But if you must know…” he continued as he took a seat on the couch. “We’re in town for business.”
I said nothing. Their presence in my small cozy apartment was overwhelming.
When Levi and the guys came over, sure, they took up space like no other, occupying the upper half of the apartment with their height as they wandered around, but I didn’t feel threatened by their presence.
Being in a room with my intimidating, overbearing brothers made the room feel smaller and made me feel ten times more vulnerable.
“We’re also debating whether or not you’ll be staying here for the rest of your schooling,” Declan muttered casually as if he didn’t just drop a bomb on me, and my mouth went dry.
“What?” I whispered.
Dakota shrugged. “I’ve never been a fan of you living in the city… so far away from us at that. And with a bit of convincing, Mama left the decision to us whether or not we want you to come back home,” he began, and I continued feeling lightheaded. I had just spoken to her yesterday, and she wished me luck on the rest of my rotation...and now she’s leaving the option of me staying or going back home in the hands of my misogynistic, sexist brothers?
“The crime rates in this city are only increasing, and you won’t be able to take care of yourself,” he finished, and I did my best to hold back my incoming tears.
“You want me to go back home. B-Back home to Illinois,” I whispered, and Declan’s jaw clenched.
“Better than you staying here in New York,” he muttered.
“But what about my career?” I asked softly, and he scoffed.
“What about your fucking career? Find some shitty school near home or in Chicago and finish there. You don’t need to be here,” he muttered, and I felt a tear come out of my eyes.
Being around them always invited feelings of unnecessary stress and anxiety. And now, when I was trying to start my day peacefully, they had to come ruin it. Almost as if it were their goal to make me miserable.
“I... I have to study. I think i-it would be best—” I stuttered, falling silent as Declan stood up from the couch and approached me slowly.
“Best for what...? Are you trying to kick us out? For wanting to protect you?” he asked.
I looked over to Dakota to see if he would save me, but his silence and the anger in his eyes toward me told me he wasn’t going to be much help. Looking back over to Declan, I cowered slightly as he caressed the side of my face slowly.
“Do we have to remind you... that you are ourlittlesister? Hmm? Is that something that Dakota and I are going to have to do?” he said, squeezing my cheeks in his hands, and I shook my head quickly.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do anything toyouto make you remember. Better yet, where’s thatfucking cat, hmm?” he asked, and tears continued escaping my eyes as he shushed me softly. He wiped the tears from my eyes as a sob escaped my chest.
“You know you only cause more trouble for yourself with these tears of yours,” Dakota said as he approached us slowly.
I continued to sob uncontrollably as I felt utterly helpless.
“If I were you, I’d start thinking about what school you are going to transfer to and when you are going to move out of this city. Or… if you don’t want to listen, you can do us a favor and tell us where that fucking cat is so we can force you to,” Declan compromised.
I shakily wiped my tears with the back of my hand.
“Does she get a third option?”
We heard another voice, and a sense of relief filled my chest as I looked over to see Levi standing at my door entrance, a look of pure anger on his face. He made eye contact with me for a moment, and with his eyes alone, I knew he wanted me to walkover to him, but I was petrified... afraid of what my brothers, who were now dangerously silent, would say to Levi.
“The fucking devil,”Declan snarled, and my eyebrows furrowed as I’d never heard Declan speak another language… much less Italian.
“Come here, Tesoro,” Levi ordered.
Without question, I quickly ran over to him, throwing myself into his embrace. He shushed me softly as I practically melted into his hold as my tears were wiped away by his sweater while he held my head still, comfortably blocking my view of my brothers. His other arm, however, moved, and he spoke to my brothers as I was too busy trying to slow my breaths.