She texted her:Where did you get that picture of El Jefe?
It took a few minutes, but LeAnn came back with:From your press packet about the Jaripeo Ranch.
That set off alarm bells. Dolly hadn’t sent out a press packet and when she told LeAnn that, LeAnn forwarded the email she had received.
This didn’t come from me, Dolly texted back after she looked at the information.
Well, that will calm Reba down. She was a little pissed off that you hadn’t put together something like this for the Viking Ranch.
Thanks for this. I’ll deal with Reba later, Dolly texted back.
The email had come from, which was the rodeo’s official marketing email. Dolly almost never used it. She logged onto the account to see all the activity. Someone had sent a group email out to every bull rider, attaching the professional-looking promotional packet for the Jaripeo Ranch and their bulls. That someone hadn’t been her. So who had done her job for her and why hadn’t they told her about it?
She sent a text to Shelby with a link to the press packet, askingWTF?
But when Shelby didn’t get back to her right away, Dolly bit the bullet and texted Blevins.
He responded immediately.We should talk. Come see me tomorrow around ten in my office.
Well, she had planned to do that anyway.
Chapter Thirteen
Jackson Blevins
Jackson didn’t needto attend another whiny meeting with stuck-up Shelby and Benny the bummer accountant. Not when he could send his secretary Debbi to take notes in his place. It didn’t matter now anyway. He was smuggling in the good stuff through the border and the drugs were cheap and plentiful. Once he established a stable sales connection, the UPRC wouldn’t have to worry about money ever again. He might even make enough to buy that little bitch out of her share and then he wouldn’t have to deal with her and Benny’s whining about the board’s reactions and his overspending.
This latest shipment was the purest shit he’d ever sampled. He did another bump of cocaine even though he was still flying high from the line he’d done with his morning coffee and doughnut. He was looking forward to his meeting with Dolly Keller later. He’d been trying to get some alone time with the busty blond bombshell for ages.
He had been overjoyed to hire her for marketing and public relations, and not just because of her great rack. She used to cheer for his favorite pro team. He even bought her a uniform from them and had it delivered to her. Jackson was hoping she’d model it for him and do a few high kicks. He adjusted himself at the thought.
Normally, he wouldn’t risk shitting where he ate, even though, he was already nailing Debbi regularly. But he knew Dolly wouldn’t say a damned thing. She had a secret. She’d lied on her application. He only found out about it when he hiredan escort from Leisure Industries last week. Normally, Jackson didn’t have to pay for sex.
But he’d wanted something a little different. And he didn’t want all the annoying small talk before and after. So he had asked around and found out that Leisure Industries had a good reputation. The hooker he had hired was a little overpriced, but then again, he got to do what he wanted with her and didn’t get any lip. As he was leaving, though, he took a catalog off the broad’s coffee table. It was an old one from a few years ago, but Jackson figured it would be good spank material. And who knew, maybe he could get a discount if he chose an older model.
Well, he had been damned surprised to see a familiar face. Unfortunately, she had been fully dressed but the little black number she had been posing in gave him such a kick stand, he immediately had to pay the chick he was with overtime for a blow job so he could drive home in peace.
Smart-mouthed, big tits Dolly Keller had been a prostitute, and shocker—she had never disclosed that on her job application. Here at the UPRC, they had a firm morality clause that he would use as a reason to fire her tight ass if Dolly wasn’t nice to him. Real nice to him.
And if she didn’t want to cooperate and decided to make trouble for him, Jackson had a surefire plan to discredit the little slut. He would say that she came on to him and wanted him to be her sugar daddy, and when he nobly refused her wanton advances, she made up false accusations about him.
After all, who was everyone going to believe? The respected CEO of the rodeo or a former cum slut?
Jackson couldn’t wait to tell Dolly all about her new duties, which would start with her on her knees in front of him.
When Jackson’s office door was kicked open, it disrupted the boner he had been thinking of stroking to take the edge off.
“Get the fuck out of here,” he growled as two grubby-looking men stormed in. “I don’t need you today.”
“Where’s our money?”
“For what?” He hadn’t needed their services in a while now.
“We’ve come to collect.”
“At least close the fucking door,” Jackson snarled, realizing the goons weren’t here to earn some extra cash bashing heads for him.