After clearing it with Dex, we’d asked Sam, Drake, and Miah to join our security team. This left us with more free time to spend with our mates as well as run our ranch. Gus wasn’t sure what he wanted to do yet, but I had a feeling he’d soon find his way. For now, he was keeping busy helping with the security side.
We’d had a busy day yesterday, setting up security for a new hotel in the city four hours away. While I hated being away from Hannah, I hadn’t had much choice as they were one of our biggest clients, but instead of sleeping the night like I’d planned, I’d finished the job with the help of Miah and Drake and driventhe four hours back home just so that I could sleep next to Hannah, who still suffered from nightmares.
It had been three in the morning when I’d slipped into bed, wrapping my arms around her and drifting off into an exhausted sleep. Waking up feeling fully aroused was not an unfamiliar feeling; what was unfamiliar was the wet warmth wrapped around my cock and a slightly raspy tongue twined around the head. A deep growl left me. Looking down my body into the bright green eyes of my mate, who had her lips wrapped around my cock was not the sight I expected to see this morning.
Another groan left me as Hannah wrapped her hand around my cock and gave it a tight squeeze, along with another suck. Letting out a deep groan, I thrust up into her mouth. It felt so good, but I needed to check on her first. Fisting my fingers in her hair, I gently pulled her head up.
“Fuck, baby girl, you have to stop.”
At my words, she removed her mouth with a pop. Eyes dark with concern, she crawled up my body, straddling me, her wet pussy cradling my rock-hard cock in their folds.
“What’s wrong?” Hannah asked concerned.
“Nothing, baby girl, I was loving what you were doing, and any other time you go right ahead but before we do this, I need to know if you’re strong enough.”
A smile graced her face. She nodded, “My tiger woke me up this morning, pushing me to mate. I’m okay, and I really need you to bite and fuck me. I’ve been aching for days, needing you to fill me up with your cum. I promise I’m good.”
At her words, I curled my upper body, wrapping my arms around her as she rose up, notching my cock at the entrance of her dripping wet pussy, slowly lowering herself onto me until Iwas all the way in. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as her tightness engulfed me. My animal, who had until then been quiet, made himself known. Opening my eyes, I looked into the bright gold eyes of Hannah’s tiger, her voice slightly guttural as she ordered, “Bite me, Anton, then fuck me and breed me.” Tilting her head to the side, I allowed my canines to drop and struck her shoulder, biting down hard until her blood filled my mouth. Throwing her head back, Hannah rode me hard, crying out as her orgasm hit just as I felt myself knot. She lifted her head to look at me. She was a gorgeous sight in a partially shifted state, red hair wild around her face, her nose slightly broadened and flattened, bright gold eyes sparkling with lust, tiger stripes showing amongst the light fur covering her face, claws digging into my shoulders as her pussy pulsed around my still hard cock. I loved knowing she was marking me. Tilting my head, I offered her my neck and with a loud roar that I knew would be heard throughout the house, she bit down.
Throwing my head back in ecstasy as she orgasmed again as her teeth broke my skin. Her pussy clamping down hard on my cock, milking me until I had no more to give. I’d never in all my life felt anything like this. It was bliss wrapped in ecstasy, wrapped in the knowledge that she was now fully mine.
It did something to me, and I let out a loud growl as my cock slowly softened and I slipped out of her, dropping back onto the bed, taking Hannah with me, threading my fingers through her hair, massaging her head, both of us panting as we slowly came down from the high of being fully mated.
“Wow,” she whispered. “I feel like I’ve got a thousand volts travelling through me. This is such an amazing feeling, Anton.”
I knew what she meant. There was a buzz under my skin and then there she was in my mind, letting me know she saw me,“Oh, Anton, I see him,” Hannah murmured. “And I see her, baby girl,” I acknowledged.
Lifting her head from my shoulder to look at me, she asked, “Is that normal?”
Shaking my head, “No, from what I understand, our animals will now be able to communicate, but I’ve never heard of them projecting like this. I think because of how long it’s taken for us to mate, they’ve built up another form of communication. I’m not complaining, I love that I get to see her in my mind.”
“Me too,” Hannah agreed, then giggled. “He wants to know if I think he’s handsome.”
Snorting out a laugh, “Well, your tiger is rolling her eyes at his question.”
“I’ve told him that he’s the handsomest hyena I’ve ever seen,” Hannah grinned down at me, then blinked. “He’s not there anymore.”
“Good, he’s too much of a flirt,” I grumbled.
Hannah laughed out loud at my comment, “You do realise you’re the same being.”
“Maybe so, but I need him out of your head for a little longer so that I can do this.”
Twisting and turning us until I was on top, I slowly thrust into Hannah’s welcoming depths, pressing my lips to hers, tongues wrapped around each other. Reaching down, I wrapped my hand around her thigh, lifting it higher and resting it against my arm so that I was thrusting deeper into her with every stroke.
Hannah gasped, ripping her lips from mine as she wrapped her other leg around me, tilting her hips, “Oh, Anton, just there. Faster and harder.”
Obeying her commands, I thrust up against her as hard and as fast as I could until I felt myself knotting again as we came long and hard, sweat coating our bodies as I emptied every last bit of my come into her. Her scent was already changing to fertile; it was a heady feeling knowing that soon she’d be filled with our young. If I was a gorilla shifter like the Whytes, I’m sure I’d have been beating on my chest, letting everyone know how I was feeling.
Instead, I had to be happy with a loud howl. Hannah laughed when my howl was answered by Luca and then Sam and Drake.
“You had to let everyone know we mated, huh,” Hannah smiled up at me.
“Fuck yeah, baby girl. I’m so fucking proud to be your mate that if I could, I’d be shouting it from the rooftops.”
“Oh, Anton, I love you. Thank you for being patient and for just being you. I couldn’t have asked for fate to choose me a better mate than you.”
“Love you too, baby girl, so damn much. Be prepared, though. Luca’s warned Cassie, but I’m not sure she believes it. Hyenas are both protective and possessive; you’re not going to get much alone time. I’m always going to want to know where you are and who you’re with.”