Shuddering at the thought, I reply, “Ugh, NO! That would be like sleeping with my sister. Renee is and always will be my friend. All four of the girls have always been like sisters to us.”
Drake looks at me with amusement, “So definitely nothing going on with you and her then.”
Shaking my head, “Nope, but I want her happy, and she’s determined to let past history get in the way of that. But I’m not averse to a little matchmaking if, in the end, my family is happy. Even if it means pushing a little.”
“What’s the story then? Maybe we can help. Much like you, we’d like our friends and family to be happy,” Sam affirms.
Thinking on it, I wonder if I should tell them about the Moore family history. It’s not as if it’s a secret, most of the families that live around these parts know about it. Making a decision, I figure that it won’t hurt, especially as they all seem intent on making this part of the world their home.
For the next hour, I fill them in on the four families that are sworn to protect this small part of the world, the Chief, the curse and how it has affected everyone’s lives. By the time I’m done, they’re wide eyed at all the history I’ve thrown at them.
“So let me get this straight,” Drake says, “because of the curse, Renee thinks she’s better off alone as she won’t have children.”
“Yep,” I answer with a nod.
“That’s nuts! What would have happened if her mate had been a shifter? There’s no way she’d have been able to hold out,” Sam declares heatedly from the back seat.
“Yep,” I again agree before continuing, “that’s why I’m going to do whatever I can to throw Miah in her path. But I’m going toneed help. As soon as I can, I’ll contact Dex and get him up to speed. With all of us working together, we can make it happen.”
“What she doesn’t know is that Miah is perfect for her and not just because he’s her mate,” Sam declares.
I catch his eyes in the mirror but see that Drake is nodding in agreement next to me.
“Yeah? Why?”
“Miah can’t have children; he had an accident as a child, and it made him sterile. It’s one of the reasons he doesn’t get involved in relationships because like Renee, he thinks not being able to have children would put someone off. Which is stupid because there are other ways to be parents. If you are serious and he is definitely her mate, then yes, I’m in to help. Jeremiah is one of the best men I know,” Sam declares, a determined glint in his eye.
“Oh, he’s definitely her mate,” I assure them, happier now that there is a plan in place. Renee doesn’t know it but her days of doing everything alone are done.
The rest of the journey is spent learning about their team and what they did in the military and the reason they ended up here. I liked them all, and I knew that the security checks we did would come back clear. I was already thinking of ways we could utilise their skills. I’d bring it up with Anton and then we could take it to the meeting next month.
The plane touched down on the tarmac of the runway at the small airport in Livingstone, Zambia.
I have never been so happy to get off a plane. Two days of airports and airplanes was enough to drive me crazy, never mind my bear. As soon as the plane doors were open, I made a beeline for it, not caring if I was bumping people along the way. I needed out, and I needed out now. Behind me, I heard my dad doing the same; both of us rushed down the stairs at the same time, drawing in relieved breaths as our feet touched the ground.
“Oh, thank fuck, finally. I thought we’d never get here,” Dad rumbled next to me, making me laugh.
Laughing, I bumped my shoulder against his, “Come on old man, let’s get going. I’m dying to see the others.”
Throwing his arm over my shoulder, we walked towards the airport, the sun beating down on us. So different to the UK where we’d just come from. It felt good, although it was a relief to enter the coolness of the airport.
It wasn’t a busy airport, and thankfully, it didn’t take us too long to get through customs and pick up our bags.
I wasn’t sure who was picking us up, just that they were shifters and that Miah, Sam, and Drake would be with them.
We walked out into arrivals and immediately found Miah waiting, smiling, looking comfortable, standing next to a dark-haired, dark-eyed male and a fragile-looking red-headed female who was tucked tight against the male’s body.‘Mates then,’I thought. Smiling wide, I walked straight into Miah’s open arms, hugging him and kissing his cheek.
“It’s so good to see you,” he greeted me. Turning to the couple with him, he introduced us, “Anton, Hannah, this is Cassie and her father, our old commander, Augustus Ford.”
Holding my hand out to Anton, I smiled at him, taking a deep breath to inhale their scents, to try and figure out what they were. Hannah was definitely a cat, a big one, but I wasn’t sure what type. Anton, I had no idea, but there was something about his scent that drew me in. I knew it was rude, but I couldn't help but draw him closer and inhale deeply, making him chuckle. Although the female next to him wasn’t all that happy if the rumble coming from her was anything to go by, but I knew he’d been near my mate, I could almost taste him.
“Cassie,” my dad pulled me back from the male, knowing this was unusual behaviour for me.
“I’m sorry,” I apologised to the couple. “You’re obviously not my mate because yours is standing next to you, but you smell like my mate.”