Close to it? He was on top of it. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” I sighed, closing my eyes in relief. “Do you feel any resentment toward him?”

Opening my eyes and looking back out through the window, I felt almost ashamed when I answered. “Again – yes and no. Yes, because I didn’t have him in my life and he probably had a great one, and I didn’t. No, because if I was him, I’d have run for the hills after a night with Wylda, too. Also because, accidents happen. People have sex, use protection, and still end up with two lines on a pregnancy stick weeks later. I can’t hold him not knowing about me against him because Wylda didn’t even know his name. I have a reasonable Jose, and an unreasonable Jose battling it out inside me, and it’s leaving me really off balance.”

He was silent while he digested what I’d just said, giving me time to do the same. “Where have y’all left it at?”

Sighing and looking away from the reflection, focusing on how I was playing with his fingers now, I muttered, “We’re going to meet, I guess.”

Straightening his fingers out and turning his hand over, he linked our hands together, and held them against my stomach. “You know what I think?” he asked against my neck, his lips skimming it with each word. “I think you’re amazing. I think you can handle anything that comes your way, and it’s a quality I absolutely love about you. I don’t know what the outcome of meeting him will be, but I know for sure that I’m holding your hand every step of the way.”

“I know, honey, and I’m so freaking glad that I’ve got you,” I whispered, loving his words, but loving how hard he was against my back even more. I could feel every muscle on his front and in his arms, and it made me feel grounded.

It wasn’t until he spoke next, that I realized I’d been grinding back against him. “You need me, baby?”

“I always need you.” And that was no lie. It didn’t matter what we were doing, I was always content with him. We could be enjoying something benign like cooking, or talking about a tattoo design, explaining the computer program I was using for a project, talking about Liv… tangled up with him in bed. It didn’t matter, I always needed Ellis. Turning so that I was facing him, I lifted onto my tiptoes and tried to wrap my arms around him. I only just managed it with our height differences, and seeing how stretched I was, Ellis did what he always seemed to do – he did something that made life that bit easier, and picked me up with his hands under my ass.

“I don’t know if it’s some sort of left over caveman instinct, but I love our height difference and having to pick you up so that we fit like this,” he whispered, pressing the hardness behind his zipper against my pussy. Standing like we were, they were in perfect alignment, and the firmness of his chest was pressing against my nipples, which were getting harder with each breath. “If you think about it, we’re perfectly suited for each other.”

Bending forward so that he could lay me on the table, he squeezed my thighs, indicating that he wanted me to keep them where they were around him, and then skimmed his hand up one toward the leg of my shorts. That’s when I remembered where we were, what happened on this table, and also where this was leading. “Uh, Ellis, we eat on this table.”

Kissing up my neck slowly and softly, he murmured his acknowledgment with a, “Mm hmm,” but didn’t stop what he was doing.

“Honey, your parents and my sister eat at this table,” I pressed, trying to lift my hips up off it, but only succeeding in rubbing two very sensitive areas together.

Groaning, he pressed down harder on me and started kissing up toward my mouth. “Do that again.”

I was about to do as he’d asked, forgetting all about why I was trying to get him to move us through to the bedroom for that one moment, but then it all came back to me. Turning my head so that my lips were next to his ear, preventing him from kissing me, I whispered, “Liv eats at this table, honey.”

Almost like I’d screamed the six words, he froze, completely stopping what he was doing, and then picked me up with no warning. The world tilted and whirled, making me clench my legs tight around his waist and squeal as he lifted me up in his arms.

“Bed it is,” he muttered, glaring at the table and turning toward the doorway. “We’ll get another table for the garage or something. Then again, we park in there so there wouldn’t be any space for one of our vehicles. How about I build a shed in the garden with one in it just for us?”