“Eager to see us leave, Olwen?” Cree asked, keeping a slight smile to his lips and shocked to see the woman return it.

“It is time for you to return home to your family, but your unexpected visit here will remain memorable.” Her stoic expression returned. “Do not take long. You need to fortify yourselves with food for your journey home.”

“Home,” Cree said with longing as Olwen closed the door behind her. “I can’t wait to get there.”

Cree helped his wife dress to avoid her disturbing her bruised side that had healed well with rest and no worry to disturb her sleep the last two days. But he would take no chances with their departure so close at hand.

With hands held tight, Cree gave one last look to the bedchamber before shutting the door. “I shall not miss it.” And Dawn agreed with a nod.

They entered the Great Hall, Lord Tiernan standing when they approached the dais.

“You both look well rested, and I imagine you are quite pleased that you will be taking your leave after you eat,” Lord Tiernan said.

“And I imagine you will not mind seeing us go,” Cree said and assisted his wife to sit.

“Actually, Lord Cree. I am grateful for the opportunity to not only have met you but to now call you a friend.” Tiernan held his arm out.

Cree locked his hand around Tiernan’s forearm and Tiernan did the same to Cree. “Aye, Tiernan, Clan Carrick and Clan MacMadadh shall always be friends.”

“That pleases me more than you know,” Tiernan said and sat after Cree did.

“Have you heard any news about Lord Clouston?” Cree asked, pleased to see his wife eagerly reaching for a quail egg and a piece of meat, hardy choices to keep her full while traveling.

“Aye, and the news is most unfortunate,” Tiernan said, nodding as he spoke seriously while a glint of satisfaction shined in his green eyes. “Lord Clouston fell prey to a wolf. They say his body was torn to shreds and while some called for the wolf to be hunted, there weren’t any who volunteered to go after such a ferocious beast. More unfortunate news, I’m afraid. It seems that Lord Clouston’s niece perished as well, attacked by a wolf in the woods. Clan MacMadadh was kind enough to bury the poor young woman so no one had to review her remains. The nephew, due to inherit Lord Clouston’s sizeable holdings, was only too eager and grateful to accept our help.”

“I am sure he was with such an abundant inheritance waiting to be gained,” Cree said. “I am curious about Penn. Dolan mentioned he was an old friend. Was he part of your clan?”

“He was years ago. He challenged my leadership and lost. He set out to form his own pac… clan but never succeeded. He was alone, on his own. That can be devastating to someone who was used to a strong bond of family. The lonely years turned him bitter, vengeful, and foolish. I wished things could have been different for him, but he sealed his own fate.”

“Larkin believed he was in command, but all along Penn was. He never had any intention of taking Lynall to Clouston. His goal was to kill you and take over leadership of the clan.”

“Even if he had succeeded, he would have never led this clan. He would have had to challenge Sim for leadership and that would not have gone well for Penn.”

“And the men that were fooled by him?” Cree asked, their fate never mentioned to him.

“They will tell no tales,” Tiernan said.

Sim and Lynall entered, smiling like only young people in love could.

“I’m to be a da,” Sim shouted.

Tiernan hurried out of his chair to go and congratulate his brother in a huge hug and a firm slap on the back. “I am thrilled for you and look forward to being an uncle, the favorite one.”

Dawn stood to go to Lynall, but the young woman waved at her, “Please stay where you are Lady Dawn. I will join you so we may talk.” She looked at Tiernan. “If that is all right with you, my lord.”

“Of course it is, Lynall, and you need not ask permission. You are my brother’s wife, which grants you a place at the dais.”

“Thank you, my lord,” Lynall said with a smile, then she brushed a kiss on Sim’s cheek and hurried to sit in the chair next to Dawn.

Cree liked Lynall for treating Dawn no differently from anyone else and that she talked and understood Dawn more easily than most when first meeting his wife. The healer had a kind heart, though he did wonder how she ever got involved with werewolves. But he was not curious enough to ask.

“I wanted to thank you, Lord Cree,” Sim said. “You refused to leave Lynall behind with Penn. You put yourself in more harm’s way than you know, and I am forever grateful to you.”

“You should thank Dolan as well. If it wasn’t for him, I would still be wandering around in the fog.”

Sim laughed. “I already have thanked him. Dolan is a good man with a kind heart, and I am glad the clan accepted him as one of us years ago.”

Another human who lived among werewolves. Cree simply did not understand it. But then he didn’t understand how he could believe that the fabled creatures he only knew in tales were actually real.