“In your research, did you happen to come across tales of werewolves in this area?” Annie chuckled, shaking her head.

Olivia smiled, finding Annie’s penchant to chuckle pleasant and friendly, and while she had done extensive research on werewolves in the area for the article, she preferred to hear what a local thought about such unearthly creatures.

“Very little,” Olivia said.

“There is a werewolf story that dates to the 13thcentury. The laird of the Clan MacMadadh at that time killed a female wolf, he claimed was a werewolf, supposedly in retaliation for a wolf killing a village woman. It’s said that the female wolf’s mate, who led the pack, found his way into the castle and killed the laird. The wolf even left claw marks on the floorboards letting everyone know he had been there. Supposedly, the marks are still there. It was later learned that the laird had been the one who killed the woman and blamed it on a supposed werewolf. It is a tale often repeated in this area, though how true it is, I can’t say for sure. Laird Tiernan has amassed an extensive collection of books on wolves and werewolves, and I believe some of them have been written about his family since some believe Clan MacMadadh, MacMadadh meaning son of the wolf, is a clan of werewolves.” Annie chuckled. “A ridiculous notion.”

Olivia had found that reference in her research of Clan MacMadadh and realized that that bit of history was why Vera had sent her to the clan. It hadn’t done anything to change her mind about werewolves. She still didn’t believe in them.

“Werewolves are nothing more than a tall tale,” Olivia said. “Research shows that what once was believed to be werewolf killings were actually serial killers, men with the taste for human flesh and blood.”

“Now that makes more sense,” Annie said, “as does the idea that men drinking in a pub late into the night came up with such a nonsensical tale.”

Olivia chuckled this time.

Annie went on to talk about the Highlands and the endless tales and beauty it offered. By the time Annie bid her goodbye, she felt she knew the Highlands more intimately and was looking even more forward to her stay here.

One more stop, then the next one was hers, last stop on the line. Excitement and nerves had her stomach churning, and she was relieved when the train finally arrived at her stop. She got off the train and smiled. The small train station that greeted her appeared as a snapshot from the past. It was well maintained and the stone planters with small trees decorated for Christmas, along with the pine holiday swag hanging over the train station door and windows, gave it an old-fashioned holiday, festive feel.

“You’re the lass doing the interview at Clan MacMadadh, aren’t you?”

Olivia turned to see the train engineer stepping off the train with a stretch and thought that news traveled fast in the Highlands. “Yes, I am.”

“Welcome to Dumford. Harry will pick you up. He’s running late. He always runs late. The old fellow is never on time,” the engineer said. “Snow is in the air. Good thing you got here when you did. A large snowfall stops the train from coming this far in the winter or leaving here, so keep a watch on the weather if your time here is limited.”

“Thank you for that advice, I’ll be sure to keep watch of the weather,” Olivia said and wished she hadn’t packed her gloves in her suitcase, her fingers beginning to feel the stinging cold.

“Time to go,” the engineer said. “Keep cautious if it snows. A light snow can turn into a blizzard in the blink of an eye and that will leave you stranded high and dry for an extended time, possibly through the winter.”

Olivia’s eyes went wide. “The entire winter?”

“Aye, If the snowfall is a big one. So far, the weather folk are predicting a light snowfall, but you never know. They are wrong more than they’re accurate.”

“Thank you,” Olivia said and watched him climb aboard and heard the train spring to life, its wheels grinding on the track and the whistle blowing as it made its way out of the station.

It didn’t take long for her to start feeling the cold as she watched the road for a car. She thought it would never come and considered calling the preserve, but then a black SUV rounded the bend, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Her ride was here.

Olivia stepped into the small parking lot and when the SUV pulled to a stop beside her, she didn’t wait to be helped. She pulled the back door open and deposited her luggage and tote inside. Then she opened the passenger side door and climbed in.

“I am so glad you finally made it, Harry. It felt like it was getting colder by the minute.” She turned to smile at the old man, but her mouth dropped open in shock.

An old man didn’t sit in the driver’s seat. A different man sat there and from the photos she had seen of Laird Tiernan, she could honestly say they had not done him justice. He was drop-dead gorgeous.


“My apologizes for making you wait, Ms. Stanton.”

His very understandable Scottish brogue and smooth deep voice felt like it mesmerized not to mention his stunning looks. He had the most amazing, bold, green-colored eyes, and his black hair brushed the tops of his shoulders in an unruly fashion that seemed to fit him. Though he was sitting, it was easy to see he was a man of substantial height and in excellent physical shape. He was thirty-five, having learned that from her research, four years older than her. And damn if she didn’t find him appealing, not something that should be the first thing on her mind when meeting a potential boss.

The only thing she could think of saying was, “You’re not Harry?”

He smiled and she felt a rush of pleasure race through her, which annoyed her since she had only ever had a mild attraction to most men she had met or dated, which were few. She never met a man who excited her with nothing more than a smile.

He grinned. “Nay. I’m Tiernan, Laird of Clan MacMadadh. Harry had a wee bit of a mishap and by the time we saw to it, I realized we were late in picking you up.”

“I do hope Harry is all right.”

“Nothing to worry about. He’s fine, and again my apologizes for making you wait in the cold.”