Sky fought not to shed a tear but one escaped as she recalled the one and only time she had spoken to Clyde, never knowing he was her father. Her heart shattered for her parents and all they had lost.

“I rejoiced the day word reached me of Warrand’s impending marriage to a woman with two different colored eyes. I sent someone who knew your mother to see if you resembled her. There is no mistake that you inherited her beauty. I bargained with Bannaty for you, but he had no interest. He insisted the deed was done and that you were perfect for his son that you would not get in his way.”

“Why kill Warrand and Lord Bannaty? Why not just abduct me?” Sky asked.

“Revenge. Not only did Bannaty’s wife lie to me but Bannaty himself dismissed my offer with a laugh. I had plans of abducting you after that but before I could reach you, your father had sent you away and I did not know where. Then there were the mercenaries who descended on the area to earn the enormous fee a foolish Lowlander was offering for the Murdock sisters. I had to make sure none of them got to you before I did. Olin was well worth the coin I gave him until he took too long to deliver you. Then the Wolf clan interfered, planning to see you kept from harm. I did not want to make myself known since I knew nothing would stop Slayer from coming after me if he ever discovered I was responsible for his brother and father’s deaths. And it would not only be him who hunted me. It would be the Gallowglass.”

“But he will come after you now for abducting me,” Sky said.

Halfdan laughed. “Slayer is a warrior before all else. He fights to defend his clan at this moment with no thought of you. And I was wise enough to hire mercenaries to attack. He will never know it was me.”

“He will find out,” Sky said, sure her husband had heard the men talking as they rode away from the wolf’s den.

“No one can track it back to me. I made sure of that,” Halfdan boasted. “You are all that is left for me to revenge my son’s death. And I am going to take immense pleasure in making you suffer.”

Sky wanted to shut her eyes against what was to come, but hearing how her grandmother had been so brave, she raised her chin and stared directly at Halfdan as he approached her, tightening his fist with each step he took.

A savage roar echoed through the woods. Birds took flight and animals hid as Slayer emerged from the woods in a fierce run, his face twisted with such fury that he appeared like a demon rising from the depths of hell.

More roars filled the air as a bevy of Gallowglass warriors burst out of the woods, completely surrounding Halfdan and his men.

Halfdan ran toward Sky as swords began to clash. She knew what he intended. He might not be able to make her suffer but he could see her dead. Her fear was confirmed when he pulled his dagger from his sheath.

She spotted Fane on the run toward her, heard the wolves growling as they approached from behind her, but she feared none of them would reach her in time. She almost closed her eyes but thoughts of her mother, father, and grandmother’s courage kept them open. She was glad she did, or she would have missed seeing her husband sail through the air as he launched himself at Halfdan with such force that he sent them both tumbling to the ground.

Fane rushed to stand in front of Sky, snarling and snapping, ready to tear anyone apart who dared approach her. The wolves protected her from behind, their snarls as vicious as Fane’s.

Sky could not take her eyes off her husband, watching as both men scrambled to their feet while the Gallowglass warriors quickly overtook Halfdan’s men.

Fury raged on Halfdan’s face when he finally stood and saw that defeat was imminent. He hurried to grab the dagger that had been knocked from his hand, then pulled another dagger from its sheath and lunged at Slayer.

Slayer avoided the dagger just in time and managed to slice Halfdan’s arm with his own dagger.

It took only a few minutes of watching her husband to realize he toyed with Halfdan like prey did with its catch before killing it. Blood began to stain various areas of Halfdan’s shirt, sleeves, chest, and back. His cheek was also bleeding, not that Sky saw the slash, it had been delivered so fast.

“You honestly believe I am going to let you die fast when you had my brother and father killed, and my good friend brutally attacked then made him suffer even more when you twisted your dagger into him? Even worse you were about to torture and kill my wife and the bairn she carries?”

Halfdan roared with anger, spittle flying from his mouth, the news enraging him even more.

“You are going to die slowly and then I’m going to deliver the same finishing blow to you that you did to Clyde,” Slayer said.

Sky saw no glee or pleasure on her husband’s face. He appeared more resolved that it was his duty, and he would not flinch from it. And he did not. She turned her head unable to watch as Slayer sliced and jabbed Halfdan with his daggers repeatedly until the man collapsed to his knees, his daggers falling from his hands.

Slayer grabbed a clump of his hair to tilt his head back and to keep him from falling over. “You can thank my wife for your suffering going faster than I would have preferred since I want to get her home so she may rest and recover. And where we will await the birth of our first of many bairns. You should also know before I gut you and slice your throat as you did to Clyde that since Clan Scyling is without a leader, I intend to claim it for my own. Clan Scyling will be no more.”

Halfdan struggled to speak. “My clan will never accept you.”

“Your clan will have no choice.” He shoved Halfdan to the ground and placed his booted foot to his throat. “You die along with your clan’s name today never to be remembered and knowing that the blood of your enemy will now rule over your land.”

Halfdan’s screams brought tears to Sky’s eyes. They were shed for Clyde, her da, realizing what he had suffered in his final moments. She closed her eyes in silent prayer for her da.

“What is wrong? Are you in pain? Did he harm you?” Slayer asked, his hand capturing her chin with a light squeeze.

She tried to smile but her heart was too heavy.

Slayer grew alarmed seeing her struggle to smile. Even at the worst moments she had managed a tender smile. “What is it? Tell me.”

With all there was to say to him at this moment, she found herself saying, “I miss your arms around me.”