“I am sorry to disturb you, but I have been trying to find time to speak with you alone.”
“Not an easy task with my sisters here and with everyone now knowing Slayer and I are wed and that I am with child,” Sky said and patted the spot beside her. “Please join me.”
“The clan is more pleased with the news than you know.” Ruth braced her hand on the tree trunk to help lower herself to sit beside Sky. “Lord Slayer remains a formidable man and fierce warrior but there is also a calm about him when he is with you and people are pleased to see it.”
“I am glad to hear that. Now what is it you wanted to speak with me about?”
“Do you recall me telling you about meeting a young woman with eyes like yours?”
“I could never forget it. I wonder if perhaps I was related to her.”
“You are. She was your mother and my niece.”
Sky stared stunned at the woman.
“I was shocked when I first saw you. You look just like her. I wanted to tell you when I first met you, but I had made a promise to my sister, your mum’s mother, that I would never reveal the truth about your birth. That tale I told you was far from the truth. It troubled me to see the clan think so poorly of you and I thought if you knew of another woman who had eyes like yours it might help, and I purposely included the wolf cub as a nod to your origin.”
“Tell me more, Ruth, please,” Sky said, her heart a flutter that the woman was her aunt and she had not lost her whole family.
“I used the story of a young lass we met on our journey here. Her father was not at all pleased that she spoke with us. I accompanied Willa, my sister and your grandmother, and Fawn, your mum, here for her to hide, Halfdan intent on finding her. Once the bairn was born, your da and mum had plans to flee and never return here. No one expected your mum to die shortly after you were born. Slayer’s mum arranged for you to be placed with a family who she trusted would keep you safe. Terena, the woman you knew as your mum, was good friends with Lady Candra.” Ruth wiped tears from her eyes. “It was so difficult for your da to let you go and so amazing to see such a large man cradle you so lovingly in his arms. He is the one who named you Sky, he and your mum spending time in the fields lying in each other’s arms and staring at the beauty of the sky. Those times together brought them much happiness and he wanted you to be part of that happiness.”
Tears rolled down Sky’s cheeks, happy tears mixed with sad ones, thrilled to know the importance of her name yet sorry her da was not able to tell her himself.
“When it was done, Willa and your da insisted that I remain here fearful of what Halfdan would do to your mum’s family in his search for your da and mum. Lady Candra arranged for me to live with a nearby clan so I could send word if Halfdan was spotted anywhere near your clan, though Lady Candra’s idea to place a bairn that had died that day with your mum was what kept him away all these years. I met my husband while at the clan and we had a good life together raising two sons. One son left to seek his future, and another fell in love with a lass at Clan Ravinsher. After my husband died, my son insisted I come live with them. On a visit with him, I asked Lady Candra if that would be all right with her and she was thrilled that she would have someone she trusted to talk to. So, I accepted my son’s offer, and it is a good thing I did since both my son and his wife perished shortly after each other when a sickness struck the clan. I was left to raise Wade alone and I was here for your arrival.” She wiped away her tears again, the past stirring painful memories. “My sister was brave returning home, though Clyde warned her not to, but she insisted she could not abandon her clan. I am so grateful to Lord Slayer for avenging her and Clyde’s brutal deaths. Your father did not want to leave you, but he knew he would put you in grave danger if he did not leave. He said he would return one day and make sure you continued to stay safe.”
“You both must have been surprised to see each other here at Clan Ravinsher,” Sky said.
Ruth smiled. “We were, though we, along with Lady Candra, were careful not to let anyone know we knew each other. I so wish you had gotten a chance to meet your da.”
Sky’s tears kept falling. “We did meet briefly at the cottage where I stayed for a time. I wish I had known he was my da. I wish I had time to know him.” She brushed at her tears. “Now I know why he called me by my name.”
“Aye, he thought often of such a time he could do so. I am glad he got the chance. Your da had spent his life making sure you were kept safe, and he would not have done anything to jeopardize your safety. He no doubt intended to wait until he was certain the news could not harm you before letting you know he was your father.” Ruth placed her hand over Sky’s. “Sadly, your mum and da had no part in Rainor’s death. Unfortunately, it was your mum and da who came upon his body. What was left of it after the forest animals feasted on him. Halfdan’s warriors spotted them and assumed your da killed him and that your mum called the animals to feed on him. Your grandmother believed it was one of Rainor’s own warriors who killed him, since it was common knowledge that Rainor treated people worse than his father.”
“Sky! Sky! Where are you? Answer me, woman!” Slayer yelled, his powerful voice sending birds to take flight.
“I should go,” Ruth said, and Sky hurried to stand and help her as she struggled to get to her feet.
“We will talk again,” Sky said, wanting to learn all she could about her family.
“Aye, we will talk again for there is much for me to tell you,” Ruth said, “though you should know that Lady Candra would be thrilled that you and Slayer are wed. She worried what would become of you.”
Sky was pleased to hear that and reached out and hugged the woman. “Thank you so much… Aunt Ruth.”
Ruth smiled, her cheeks wet with tears. “It is good to be reunited with family.” She walked a few steps before turning and saying. “Your da cannot tell you so I will tell you. Your da loved you with his whole heart and then some.”
Slayer’s shout had Ruth rushing off and Sky calling out to her husband, “I am here.”
She quickly wiped away her tears, though to no avail, he would know she had been crying.
“What is wrong? Why are you crying? he demanded more than asked, taking her into his arms and holding her tightly. “And why are you here in the woods alone?”
“Walk with me,” Sky said, easing out of his embrace to take his hand. “I have things to tell you.”
“And one of them better be why you are in the woods alone.”
She kissed his cheek and smiled, his gruff, demanding manner a familiar and oddly enough soothing melody to her ears. “Aye, that and so much more.”