“Aye, but he also feared of you learning that it was him who was responsible. He did not want the Gallowglass brought down on him. You were right in keeping our marriage a secret. There is no telling what Halfdan would have done if he knew that.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “I wish I knew Clyde was my da. I would have spent time with him and got to know him.”
“I can tell you what I know about Clyde.”
Sky attempted to sniffle her tears away. “I would like that. However, there is no one to tell me about my mum, da, or my grandmother. They are gone.”
“Lester fights to live. He may be able to tell you about them.”
A rap at the door had Slayer ready to order the person away, but the door opened before he could say a word.
“Did I bid you to enter, Euniss?” he snapped, annoyed.
“Nay, my lord, but Lady Sky could use a nice, relaxing brew and some oat cakes,” Euniss said, placing the overfilled tray on the chest beside the bed. “There is ale and cheese and bread for you as well since you have yet to eat.”
“Euniss, you knew my mum well. Did you know her retreats to Whitehall Abbey were made to help other women and not taken to escape my father?”
“Found out about that, did you?” she asked and did not wait for him to respond. “Your mum was a wise and brave woman. Her time spent in her solar was time she plotted to help the many desperate women who sought help at the abbey. Your father would have been furious if he ever found out what his yearly stipend was supporting. She kept the secret well as did I, just as I promised your mum I would.” She sniffled. “I miss your mum, but I am glad to have Lady Sky here and I’m looking forward to the keep being filled with a gaggle of happy bairns.”
“I will make sure of it,” Slayer said, smiling at his wife.
Euniss went to leave, calling out when she reached the door, “Your wife needs rest for the next few days.”
The door shut before Slayer could say a word. “Have I lost complete authority in my own home that two women dictate what I can and cannot do with my wife? Do they believe me that much of a heathen that I would demand you submit to me before you have healed?”
“In time they will come to understand how much we love each other, and they will question it no more.”
Slayer rested his hand lightly on her stomach. “Truthfully, you are feeling well?”
“Surprisingly so,” she said laying her hand on top of his. “How I and the bairn survived that fall I will never know. Fate. Luck. Who is to say or question? I have a few aches here and there and my ankle is doing well now that I am resting it, and Leora has applied a salve that should help as well.” She patted his hand that remained on her stomach. “And our bairn remains tucked safely away. If I had been further along, it may have turned out differently. We have much to be grateful for.”
“I am grateful to my father for insisting I wed you and I am grateful to my mum for bringing you safely into this world and I am grateful to Clyde who made sure you remained protected, but mostly I am grateful that you chose to love me.”
“Forever and always, husband,” Sky said just before his lips met hers.
* * *
Sky snuck outof the keep, needing time alone. It had been nearly a whole moon cycle since her abduction and she was feeling wonderful, better than ever, happier than ever, but she missed her time alone in the woods. Slayer still would not allow her to go into the woods alone. Leora and Elsie had gone with her a few times, and she had enjoyed it, but she longed for the time she could go alone so the animals would visit with her.
Her sisters would leave soon and while she would miss them, she looked forward to beginning her life openly as Slayer’s wife. The clan had accepted the news of her marriage to Slayer better than she had expected, though she wondered if it had helped that her two sisters were there when it was announced. Their presence gave more credence to Sky being no different from any other sister or woman, and people soon began to speak to her. Though it could have been that tongues wagged about her being from the Wolf clan, and it was her two different colored eyes that enabled her to understand animals, which finally laid to rest the belief that she was evil.
She had hoped to learn more about her family and the Wolf clan from Lester, but unfortunately, he succumbed to his wounds. Slayer had his body returned to the Wolf clan for burial. She had mourned his loss and her only chance of learning about her family. Slayer had promised that he would take her to visit the Wolf clan one day but not until he had Clan Scyling under control. Though that did not seem to be presenting a problem from the messages Slayer was receiving from the large troop of Gallowglass warriors he had sent to claim the clan. The clan members had displayed no sorrow over Halfdan’s demise but rather relief that they had a new chieftain.
It was early, the village just stirring as she made her way through it. She did not hurry, being lost in her thoughts. She also did not want to catch anyone’s attention since they would be sure to alert Slayer, wondering if something was wrong because she rushed.
The gate was open, men making their way to the fields and warriors busy in practice. With few people about and with none paying her any mind, she made it into the woods without being stopped.
She did not walk too far in, knowing her husband would be upset enough with her for being here alone. She found a comfortable spot to sit under a large oak. As soon as she sat, a squirrel presented himself, sitting in front of her and chatting away. She smiled and told him she was pleased to speak with him. He suddenly sprang up on his hind legs and barked, then rushed up the tree. He warned of a threat and before Sky could get to her feet, she saw what had threatened the squirrel.
A wolf approached. He was large and gray, and he held his head high. He showed no sign of attack, and she felt no threat from him, so she remained sitting under the tree. When he got close enough, she recognized the wolf as one of the two who had helped her after her fall.
“Thank you for helping me and I am pleased you visit to see how I am doing,” she said softly. “I am quite well and feeling good thanks to you and your mate. I am also pleased to learn that I am from the Wolf clan and have a special bond with wolves. I hope to learn much about you and from you.”
He turned his head as if hearing something, then he turned his head back to Sky, gave her a nod, and hurried off.
“Do come back and visit with me,” she called out.
“He will.”
Sky turned with a smile, recognizing the voice. “Ruth.”