“And you will leave in the morning?”

“Aye, the morning but the night is ours.” He pressed his cheek to hers to whisper in her ear, “And I look forward to it.” That she did not respond with some tempting remark told him something was on her mind. “What troubles you, Leora?”

Her thoughts were so heavy, she sighed. “I do not know if Hedley speaks the truth or if he is an unwilling or willing pawn in this game and plays his part well. Does he truly regret the part he played in it or does his part continue? Or is it Lord William who is to blame for all of it?”

“Either way, this will all end soon,” he assured her, intending to see that it did. He had had enough. He would see those responsible dead so his wife’s life could never be threatened again. He gripped the back of her neck and pressed his brow to hers. “You have my word on this, Leora. I will see it done.”

She brushed her lips over his. “You will take care, husband, for I will not lose you. I love you and we have a whole life yet to live together.”

He couldn’t explain it but somehow his heart felt full. He’d been missing something yet never knew it until Leora entered his life and now… life was far different, far better than it had ever been.

“And I look forward to every day I get to spend with you,” he said.

“That is a lot of time, husband, since I intend to make sure we grow very old together. You may even grow tired of me.”

Noble laughed. “Never, wife. Your bold nature keeps things far too interesting.”

“I am not bold, I am determined,” she corrected with a smile.

He laughed again. “Call it what you will. It is your nature, part of who you are, and I love all of you.”

Her smile grew and his heart felt as if it slammed against his chest, her beauty blossoming with her smile.

Leora slipped her arms around his neck and rested her cheek close to his as she whispered, “I cannot wait for you to slip inside me tonight and love me.”

He stepped away from her, shaking his head, her words creating an image in his mind that aroused his manhood. “Bloody hell, Leora, this is no time to tempt me.”

She scrunched her brow as if confused. “When is a good time to tempt you?”

His smile was wicked. “You play with me, wife.”

“I very much want to play with you.”

He gripped her chin and brought his lips close to hers. “I will do the playing tonight, wife.”

She waited for his kiss, but he released her chin and walked away.

“Noble!” she called out in a scolding tone, annoyed he had left her lips aching, not to mention other parts of her.

He released a hardy laugh. “Now you know how it feels, wife.”

* * *

Leora waited impatientlyin their bedchamber. She had left the Great Hall in hopes that her husband would soon follow but it had been some time now since she had slipped on her nightdress and Chief had fallen asleep in his favorite spot by the hearth, and he still hadn’t joined her. She should not expect it of him when they were on the verge of a probable attack on the morrow, though perhaps that was the very reason it was so important to her that they made love. One never knew what the future held, but she did know her husband would do anything to keep her safe.

She had realized just how much he would sacrifice for her when she saw in his eyes that he had considered Lady Elizabeth’s offer of returning to the Lowlands and ruling her clan. That he would leave the Highlands to keep her safe let her know the depths of his love for her. She would never let him do it, of course, but to know he considered it had made her love him even more.

The door opened and her husband entered. He smiled at her after closing the door and by the time he reached her, he was naked.

He tugged at her nightdress. “We need to rid you of this. I want you as naked as I am.” That she hesitated and her brow creased had him asking. “What troubles you, Leora?”

“This probably isn’t the time—”

“That never stopped you from saying what you will,” he said, rubbing at the creases that deepened in the spot between her eyes.

“Never again are you to consider going to live in the Lowlands to keep me safe.” She tapped his lips before he could speak. “And do not tell me you did not consider it. I saw it in your eyes when Lady Elizabeth offered it again.”

“Briefly, but only briefly and just as briefly dismissed it,” he confessed. “The thought of knowing you would be safe was too appealing to ignore.”