Chief stood close by, his small head swiveling back and forth from Leora to Noble as they spoke.
“You have it, wife,” he said and went to kiss her, but she turned her head away and he scowled.
“I want you to kiss me, I truly do, but if you do, it will not stop there. I will drag you, if I must, to our bedchamber where I will keep you imprisoned for the rest of the day and night and force you to make love to me. And we cannot do that now. Duty calls.”
“You would not need to drag me or imprison me. I would go most willingly and see you—us—satisfied repeatedly.” He stepped away from her and took another deep breath. “You are right, though I wish otherwise, duty calls.”
Leora opened the door before they both surrendered to their passion.
“Tonight, I promise you,” Noble whispered just before they stepped into the room and Leora’s smile turned to one of utter surprise seeing Ross and Lady Elizabeth laughing.
“Are we dreaming or am I actually seeing this?” Noble whispered to his wife.
Ross spotted them and raised his tankard. “The woman is a good storyteller.”
Chief trotted over by the hearth to curl up in front of the small fire lit there, a wide yawn escaping him before he rested his head down to get some sleep.
The discussion went easier among the four than Noble expected. Suggestions were tossed around, some with potential, some dismissed, and some accepted as a plan started forming.
Their discussion continued to go well when the door burst open, and Finley rushed into the room without knocking. “You need to come now!”
Lady Elizabeth rushed around Noble toward a tall, slim man standing in the Great Hall looking quite distraught. “Hedley, you sniveling weasel you.”
Hedely took several steps back, fear vivid in his wide eyes. “The plan has gone awry. Completely awry.”
His hasty retreat did not help the man, Lady Elizabeth walked right up to him and poked him repeatedly in the chest. “Never! Never would I allow you to get even a small portion of the MacMurray wealth, let alone the title.”
Lady Elizabeth was forcibly pulled away from Hedley and shoved down to sit on a bench at a nearby table, Ross’s hand resting heavily on her shoulder as a warning she was not to move.
“How dare you—”
“I rule here, Lady Elizabeth, and it is time you obey my rule. Move or speak again and I will see you remain in your cottage until your departure home,” Noble warned, and when she looked ready to speak, he warned again. “One word, just one and you will be deposited in your cottage with a guard outside your door, and you will know nothing of what goes on from this moment on.”
“She is an evil witch, she is,” Hedley said, pointing his finger at Lady Elizabeth. I am the sole male heir to Clan MacMurray. It is rightfully mine. Her refusal to see me inherit it all caused me to seek help from Lord William, and now that has gone all wrong.” Hedley shook his finger at Lady Elizabeth. “This whole debacle is your fault.”
Lady Elizabeth sneered at Hedley but wisely held her tongue.
Leora joined her husband, walking over to where he stood in front of the dais to stand by his side, with Chief taking a protective stance at her side. She had seen how upset the two nuns had become with the situation, having shielded themselves behind Novice Angelica, who stood fearlessly protecting them. She had gone to them suggesting the novice take the nuns to the village to see if anyone was in need of their care since they did not need to be privy to what would be discussed, and busy hands would ease their worry.
When Hedley saw her, his mouth dropped open and, for a moment, he was speechless. Then words rushed out of him. “Good Lord, you are beautiful.”
Noble saw how Lady Elizabeth smiled, and her chest expanded with pride, but again she wisely held her tongue.
“Leora is my wife and will remain my wife. There is no proof that she is Lady Elizabeth’s granddaughter,” Noble said. “You have traveled to the Highlands for nothing, and I will see that you and Lady Elizabeth leave the Highlands with nothing.”
“As long as I leave with my life, I do not care,” Hedley said, wringing his hands. “But you should know your wife is not safe. The mercenaries Lord William hired intend to abduct and ransom her for more coins than agreed upon. They claim they are not being paid enough for going against the Gallowglass.”
“What leverage do they have for such a demand? It would be foolish of them to kill her for then they have nothing to bargain with,” Ross said, and Lady Elizabeth nodded anxiously as if it was the question she would have asked.
“That is an easy answer,” Noble said. “They will sell her to the highest bidder.”
Lady Elizabeth looked puzzled.
Ross’ eyes went wide.
Leora reached for her husband’s hand and as soon as hers touched his, his hand devoured hers, clutching it firmly, and she looked directly at him when she said, “An enemy of the Gallowglass, of which I imagine there are many.”