She gasped and cast a quick glance around the room, grateful no one was there to see his improper behavior, the servants still congregated in the kitchen over the news of Adele.
“What if someone was about to see that?” she scolded. “No one could see what my hand did beneath the table, whereas yours—”
“Play with me, wife, and I play back, so be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions. And nay, I prefer you not behave.”
She smiled sweetly. “That is good to know, and I believe I will have no trouble accepting the consequences of my actions.”
“I will count on that,” he said and gave her a quick kiss. “Now let’s go see if we can find if anyone was spotted missing from their chore.”
* * *
Leora slipped quietly outof bed, not wanting to disturb her husband, who was sleeping soundly. Chief’s head popped up from where he slept by the hearth, but she gave him a quick pat and told him to go back to sleep and he did. Her mind was jumbled with thoughts that she was trying not only to make sense of but to fit together, preventing her from sleeping. She grabbed her nightdress off the chest near the bed and slipped into it. They had coupled shortly after entering their bedchamber, both eager and needy. Noble had fallen asleep soon after while she remained awake. Knowing sleep would not come soon to her, she decided to seek a spot where she could think. She eased the bedchamber door open slightly, just enough for her to slip past, then left it as it was for her return. She made her way to the bedchamber that was meant for her, but Noble forbade her to sleep anywhere but beside him intheirbedchamber.
Her bedchamber was dark, and she lit one of the candles from the blazing torch in the sconce on the stone wall outside her door. She used it to light a few other candles in the room and to set the dried logs in the hearth to burn and chase the chill in the room that had her shivering. She did not intend to remain there for the night. She would return to their bedchamber since she did prefer sleeping beside her husband. She simply needed a place to pace and to think.
It had been disappointing to discover that all the prisoners who had been brought there had been accounted for today. Noble’s warriors had assured him that the men were watched and never let out of their sights. Did that mean someone in the clan had attacked Adele? Could her attack have had nothing to do with Leora? She had also found out that the troop of men her husband and his warriors had tracked down had been found dead, every one of them. Had the two fractions hunting the reddish blonde-haired woman come to blows? Was she and Sky still being hunted by them? But what of the man who looked at her and knew right away she was not the woman he searched for? Was that someone who was only looking for Sky and had nothing to do with the Lowlanders who searched?
Leora kept pacing in front of the hearth unable to clear her mind. She worried about Sky and when she got a chance she intended to speak with Wendell and see what he could tell her about her sister. But from what she had learned thus far, Sky appeared safe where she was, and until this matter could be resolved, she might be better off remaining at Clan Ravinsher. She just wished she could visit Sky and see for herself how her sister was doing.
Her thoughts drifted back to Adele. The young woman had yet to wake, and the nuns were doing all they could for her. Wendell remained by her side when the nuns permitted. The incident had caused worry in the clan with speculation that someone among them had been the one to attack Adele, leaving everyone suspicious and on edge. It was imperative they discover who attacked Adele and why.
Several tiny barks caught her attention. It seemed that Chief had not gone back to sleep after all. Before she could open the door, it opened, and her husband entered along with Chief, who ran over to her and barked at her as if scolding her for leaving the bedchamber.
“Silent, Chief!” Noble ordered and the pup stopped and plopped down beside Leora.
Her husband hadn’t bothered to slip on a stitch of clothing, he was stark naked. He said not a word as he approached her or when he scooped her up in his arms and carried her out of the room. Chief followed along to their bedchamber, where he immediately returned to his bed.
Noble didn’t even say a word when he yanked her nightdress off after setting her on her feet next to the bed. He said nothing until he lifted her and dropped her down on the bed and came down over her.
“This is where you belong, and this is where you will stay.”
“Do I belong here?” she found herself asking, not only him but herself.
“You are my wife,” Noble said as if it explained it.
“Aye, and is it the only reason I sleep beside you?”
He moved off her onto his back. “What is it you ask of me, wife?”
“It does not matter. My mind is chaotic tonight and the reason I sought solitude.” She went to turn on her side, thinking herself foolish for proposing a question that he wasn’t ready to answer.
Noble turned, his hand settling on the curve of her waist, preventing her from turning away from him. “It matters very much to me. You matter very much to me.”
With so many questions languishing, she wanted one, just one answered. Setting her apprehension aside, she asked, “Do you think there will come a time you will ever love me, Noble?”
His quick, blunt response had her feeling as if her heart had shattered into a million pieces.
His hand moved off her waist to grip her jaw. “How can there come a time I will love you when I already love you? It was my fierce love for you that I feared you would see when you attempted to look deep inside me. I worried it would not be returned, worried you could not love me with the same intensity that I love you. But I realize it matters not, for I will love you with a fierceness for the rest of my days whether you love me or not.”
He kissed her, leaving no doubt how much he loved her.
She had to tear her lips off his, eager to tell him she felt the same, that she could love him with just as much intensity, but he captured her lips again, preventing her from speaking. His demanding kiss sent her passion soaring, though so had his words. That he loved her made all the difference.
He eased her onto her back with his body and she spread her legs, welcoming him, eager to join with him, eager to make love with her husband, eager to let him know she loved him. But no words were exchanged between them as he settled his manhood inside her. It was a need she felt, and she knew her husband did as well. A need for them to seal their love as they had done with their vows, only this meant so much more. This would truly join them as one and no one could ever break this seal.
Noble never wanted anything so much in his life as he did now, wanting to make love with his wife. Her love was all he needed. She was all he needed. It was but a small moment in time but would last a lifetime within him.