She had realized when she woke that her feelings for her husband had changed, though why they had she couldn’t say, and it mattered not to her. She only knew she felt differently about him, and she wanted the chance to explore what she was feeling with him. She wanted a chance to love him.

“What is my wife doing in the woods?”

Hearing her husband’s commanding voice, Leora turned, relieved to see him standing not far from her, and instinct had her running to him. She threw herself at him and he caught her in a powerful embrace. Her arms went around his neck, and she hugged him tight, raining endless kisses on his cheeks and lips.

“I feared something had happened to you and you would not return to me,” she said after a quick, final kiss.

He saw relief in her lovely green eyes, and he felt a jab at his heart. She had truly worried about him, a sign that she cared for him.

“It took a bit longer than I expected,” he said, keeping tight hold of her, though her hold on him let him know she had no intentions of letting go of him.

“You were not harmed?” she asked anxiously.

“Nay, I suffered no harm,” he assured her, her sincere concern playing havoc with his heart.

“I am so glad you are home at last,” she said and lowered her voice. “I missed you beside me last night.”

They had barely shared a bed, though they had shared many nights by the campfire on their journey here and yet she missed him there beside her and again her words touched his heart.

“Mistress Leora insisted on coming to the woods to wait for your return,” Finley said, interrupting the moment.

“And you did not stop her?” Noble asked, with a scowl that turned Finley silent.

“It is my fault,” Leora said. “You consumed my thoughts and no warning, no command, no force would have stopped me from entering the woods to watch for your return.”

“Mistress Leora was tenacious about it,” Finley confirmed.

“With so much yet to be settled between us, husband, I did not want to lose you,” Leora said in the way of an excuse for her worry.

Noble waved Finley off and the man hurried away.

“I have not slept since yesterday. We should take this discussion to our bedchamber,” Noble said.

“Aye, you need sleep.”

“I need you more,” he whispered before he lowered his lips to hers.

The blow took them both to the ground, Finley covering them with his body, an arrow lodged in the back of his shoulder. Shouts filled the air and warriors rushed around joined by men from the village. Finley was lifted off them and Noble shielded his wife with his body as he brought her to her feet.

“Send someone with speed to Whitehall Abbey and let them know we are in need of a healer immediately and see who can tend Finley until then, and find the archer responsible,” Noble ordered and hurried his wife to the keep.

“News needs to spread that I am not the woman who so many search for,” Leora said, keeping hold of her husband’s arm. “Did you find out anything that might help us discover what this is truly all about? Is a Lowlander responsible for it?”

“There was little time to get information and it was easy to see that the large warrior was not about to divulge anything.”

Their attention was diverted when Finley was helped into the Great Hall.

“Brenda, a woman in the village, is learning the healing ways from the nuns at the abbey. Perhaps she can help Finley, at least until the nuns get here,” Leora suggested.

The woman was sent for and as much as Noble did not want to leave his wife, he had matters that required his immediate attention since he presently did not have Finley to rely on.

“Go do what you must,” Leora said, eager to keep him by her side yet understanding his leadership was presently needed. “I will help Brenda see to Finley and we will have time later together.”

“Do not leave the keep,” Noble ordered, a scowl warning her to pay heed.

“You have my word,” Leora said, having no wont to cause her husband worry and gave his arm a gentle squeeze before leaving his side and going to Finley.

The day turned chaotic and seemed to go on forever, Leora barely having time to see or speak with her husband. Chief had followed her around, staying close and keeping watch on his surroundings until it became too much for the pup and he sought the comfort of the bed, made from a blanket Leora kept ready for him by the hearth.