Leora shook her head. “The thought alone distresses me.”

His smile grew a bit more, seeing how his remark had truly troubled her. “I am pleased to hear that, so if you feel that way, what was your other thought you meant to say?”

Her lovely smile proved she was only too glad to tell him. “Though, I am very pleased to have a husband whose kisses thrill me.”

Bloody hell, if her words didn’t cause his stomach to knot and to give a squeeze to his heart, not to mention the havoc it caused with his arousal he was just getting under control.

He went to tell her he intended to kiss her often, but she spoke before he could.

“I do hope you feel the same since I would like us to kiss often, I do so enjoy your lips on mine.”

He brushed his lips over hers. “Your lips are the only lips mine will touch since I never enjoyed a kiss as much as I enjoy kissing you.”

Her smile brightened. “You may turn out to be a better husband than I first thought.”

“May? You haven’t decided yet?” he asked, giving her waist a light squeeze.

Her smile faded some. “We have much yet to learn about each other. And while we do enjoy sharing kisses, there is more to marriage than just kisses. I saw that with my mum and da, and how time can weigh heavily on a marriage. My mum and da were lucky to have known each other and had fallen in love before they wed. I believe that is what sustained their marriage. Our marriage is not built on love and could easily crumble.”

“I care about you, more than I expected to, Leora, and you are right when you say we have much to learn about each other before we know how our marriage will work. But know one thing… as fierce a warrior as I am, I am also that fierce in making certain our marriage will not crumble.”

Leora was at a loss for words, unusual for her, but she wondered if he meant that there was a chance for them to find love together.

Chief suddenly barked, which was followed by a rap at the door, ending their conversation, and Finley entered after he was granted permission.

“Lance and Bew are ready and eager, and the men are just as eager,” Finley said.

“I do this alone,” Noble said.

“The men were ready to fight, sir,” Finley said, needing Noble to know.

“I have no doubt they were, but they wisely waited and watched, and I know they would have done whatever was necessary to see my wife was kept safe above all else. But this I must do alone.”

“Understood,” Finley said. “The men will remain ready. Not one of them will sleep tonight.”

Leora didn’t even wait for the door to close behind Finley when she asked, “Where are you going alone? Tell me you are not being foolish and going off on your own to hunt the warriors who were here.”

“I am not being foolish,” Noble said.

Leora grabbed his arm, her skin prickling with worry. “Do not play games with me. I want the truth just like you would want it from me.”

He disliked causing her needless worry, but he had no choice in the matter. “I do what is necessary as a leader of a Gallowglass troop.”

She released his arm and jabbed him in the chest. “You cannot kill them all on your own.”

He grabbed hold of her finger. “I don’t have to kill them all.”

A chill ran over Leora, he spoke with such calm confidence, then fear settled over her. “He was a large man, far larger than you.”

“Size does not matter, skill does.” He let go of her finger and quickly raised his hand to stop her from speaking. “I am not only the leader of a Gallowglass troop, but I am also chieftain of this clan. I cannot let it stand that my clan was attacked, and I or my men did nothing. My honor is at stake, and I will not see it tarnished.”

“You said we would finish the kiss in our bedchamber tonight,” she said, knowing it sounded foolish but failing to think of anything else to say.

“I still hope to.”

Leora asked the dreaded question. “And if you fail to return?”

Noble pulled her to rest against him. “Finley will take you to Lord Slayer. He will keep you safe along with your sister.”