That caught Noble off guard and he was never caught off guard, but bloody hell if his wife hadn’t done so, and that she spoke so others could hear that she enjoyed his kiss swelled his chest with pride. He wanted to dismiss the warriors surrounding them to ride ahead so they could speak in private but that would leave his wife vulnerable and that he would not do.

“Mother Abbess spoke of Clan Skirling and how it is in dire need of good leadership and help,” she said.

“Aye, she is right from what I have heard,” Noble said and realized his wife had taken command of the situation, moving the conversation forward away from their kiss. Something he should have done.

“I believe I could be of much help to you with clan matters. I helped my da with the running of our clan and did much on my own when my da took ill,” she said.

“Your wifely duties will keep you busy. I am sure the running of the keep alone will take much of your time.”

“I am not well versed with running a keep, nor do I stitch, and I know nothing about overseeing the keep’s cook. Hopefully, whoever sees to that now is good at the task and can continue to see to it. However, Elsie taught me the importance of having someone in charge of managing the fields, the animals, and outer crofts so that the clan produces what it needs and more to sell at markets and to merchants. I am good at planning, my da having taught me its importance and Elsie as well. So, you can see it would be foolish of you not to take advantage of my knowledge.”

“We shall see, wife,” he said, impressed with her skills and thinking they may very well prove helpful since he nor his warriors knew anything about planting fields or caring for farm animals.

“You cannot assume that the people who presently see to certain tasks are capable of the chore. It would be wise to learn the skills of the clan members so they can be appointed to the tasks that will best serve them and the clan.”

He continued to listen to her talk. She was far more knowledgeable about clan matters that were usually not a concern of women. That she was well versed in running a clan was becoming more obvious and he wondered about it. Such skills could be taught by parents and peers but the ability to acquire knowledge as easily as his wife seemed to do could also be inherited from a parent. He believed that he himself had inherited his grandfather’s tracking abilities and his patience, though his grandfather had insisted that a man could not be an exceptional tracker if he lacked patience. It made him wonder about his wife’s true parents. Could one or the other have had the ability to gain knowledge easily?

“So, I thought after that is all settled, we go our separate ways.”

Her remark brought Noble out of his musings. “What was that you said?”

“So, I was right in thinking you were not listening,” Leora said. “I thought that remark might catch your attention.”

“My thoughts got away from me, but I do see that your vast knowledge will definitely prove useful to the clan since it will be your home for the remainder of your life,” he said, once again letting her know there was no escaping their marriage.

“As much as I would prefer to argue with you about that, lately I wonder if there is any point to it,” she said, sounding a bit discouraged and a bit surprised she was admitting it to him. “If not marriage to you, then it would eventually be marriage to another.”

Noble gave voice to something that he had given thought to. “What if it proves true that you are a child of a Lowlander with an inheritance waiting for you? Would you not want to go and claim it?”

“My home and heart are here in the Highlands. Here is where I will stay and here is where, someday, I will be buried.”

Noble was glad to hear that, but he also knew that if his wife proved to be anyone of importance in the Lowlands, then the choice might not be hers to leave the Highlands. But it would be his since he was her husband, and he would do whatever was necessary to keep her here in the Highlands.

* * *

Leora did not haveto share with her husband what she thought when they arrived at Clan Skirling. Though it would not be obvious to all, she could detect in the rapid way his eyes glanced over the village and the people that he was just as shocked as she was. Cottages were in dire need of repair, food storage sheds appeared to be falling apart, garments were so worn they were beyond repair. And worse… there weren’t sufficient fields to feed the clan and planting had had yet to begin.

“This is a battle of a different kind,” Leora said softly so no one could hear since people stopped and stared at them, but not a soul offered a single greeting.

A battle not familiar to him, Noble thought. He could easily handle a surge of warriors coming at him, weapons drawn, and effortlessly subdued them. These people had already been conquered. It was on him to see them rise from defeat.

Leora was not surprised to see that the keep was a good size and in good shape and well-maintained. She waited for her husband to help her off her horse. It was important for the clan to see he was in charge and that his wife respected him.

Noble set his wife on the ground beside him and turned to Finley. “Send a hunting party to hunt and return with sufficient food to feed the clan. Have six warriors follow me into the keep, and you come as well. There is much work to be done here and we start today.”

Finley turned to speak to several warriors and Noble turned to his wife.

“You will remain beside me and hold your tongue while I deal with the two men attempting to claim the title of chieftain.”


His fingers pressed firmly against her lips to silence her. “You will hold your tongue and remain beside me, for I don’t know what awaits us. Am I clear, wife?”

“As you say, husband.”

His eyes shot wide and if Leora didn’t spot a teasing glint in them, she would have thought he was surprised.

“An obedient response… miracles do happen,” Noble said with a smug grin.