That alarmed Noble and he saw that the cloth wrapped around her arm was stained with blood. He recalled her other wound and turned her head gently to look at it. He grew even angrier seeing the blood crusted there.

“It may leave a scar. The wound on my arm will definitely leave a scar,” she said, seeing the fiery anger in his eyes.

“I don’t care. All that matters is that you’re safe and in my arms again.” He couldn’t wait, he had to kiss her. He took hold of her chin as he kissed her, and she returned it with the same overwhelming need.

Cheers rang out around them and shouts of praise for the chieftain and his wife.

“Light the fires and roast the meat. We celebrate our victory tonight!” Noble called out after reluctantly ending the kiss. Cheers echoed through the village, smiles lit faces, and all got busy preparing for the celebration.

Everyone waited at the keep’s steps for Noble to arrive and take the lead. He kept a tight hold of his wife’s hand as they climbed the stairs, making certain no one would whisk her away from him again.

Chief rushed at Leora when she entered the Great Hall, yapping and wagging his tale until she thought he would collapse from exhaustion.

Noble scooped him up so the pup could lavish kisses on Leora’s face but wouldn’t let her hold him. “Not until Mother Abbess tends to your arm.”

Chief seemed to understand and remained close to her side when Noble placed him on the floor.

“You need to tend to my wife’s wounds,” Noble said as they reached the table where Mother Abbess sat.

“That can wait,” Leora said, stepping in front of her husband. “Are you well, Mother Abbess? No one harmed you, did they?”

“I am good. Ross’ men rescued me before anyone could do me harm,” Mother Abbess assured her.

“Do you know if Leora is my granddaughter?” Lady Elizabeth called out as she hurried to the table.

Silence fell over the Great Hall, all present waiting anxiously to hear.

Mother Abbess smiled softly. “Aye, I do know, and Leora is not your granddaughter.”

Lady Elizabeth’s shoulders sagged, but her chin remained lifted as stubbornly as ever. “Were you told this? How can you be sure of another person’s word?”

“I know without a doubt that Leora is not your daughter,” Mother Abbess said gently.

“How? How can you be so sure?” Lady Elizabeth demanded.

Mother Abbess expelled a deep breath before saying, “I am sure because Leora is my daughter.”


Noble’s arm went around his wife, seeing her sway as if she might collapse at the news, and helped her to sit next to Mother Abbess. He took up a protective stance behind her, resting his hand firmly on her shoulder to let her know he was with her and not going anyplace.

Lord Drake took hold of Lady Elizabeth’s arm and helped her to sit at the table opposite Mother Abbess, then remained standing behind her.

Novice Angelica went to stand behind Mother Abbess and rest her hand on her shoulder, offering what comfort she could while silence continued to reign in the room, all waiting for Mother Abbess to speak.

“Many years ago, Whitehall Abbey secretly took in unwanted bairns and sometimes women in dire need. The Abbess at the time was a woman of great courage. Against the church’s belief, she took in unwanted bairns that unmarried women brought to the abbey or midwives who sought help for a newborn in danger. The abbess placed the newborns with parents willing to take them and protect them.” She smiled at Leora. “Your parents were such a couple. They were generous, loving, and courageous. Elsie’s true mum helped tremendously, even though her stay was short, when she arrived at the abbey with her daughter and was so brave when she had to part with not only Elsie but leave the abbey since she feared she had been followed and did not want to bring harm to the nuns.”

Leora wiped away a tear that trickled down her cheek and was glad to feel her husband’s strong hand squeeze her shoulder.

“I found myself in need of the abbey when I fell in love with a man my father did not approve of, but it mattered not to me or him. We had plans to run off together, but as fate would have it, he was killed in battle and, shortly afterwards, I discovered I was with child. I feared what my father would do but he unknowingly gave me the perfect escape. He ordered me to go to the abbey and pray for the strength to be a dutiful daughter and be ready to wed the man he chose for me. By the time my father arranged a marriage, I had given birth to you, and after holding you close and loving you for five days, you were taken away and given to the couple Mother Abbess assured me would love you and keep you safe, and she was right. I took my vows before my father could wed me since I could never be with another man. I loved your father far too much. It would have felt like I betrayed him. I have remained at the abbey ever since.”

Leora reached for her husband’s hand on her shoulder, and he took hold of it as Mother Abbess continued.

“Your father carved this cross for me,” Mother Abbess said, hugging the wood cross lying on her chest. To keep me safe, he said, and it has kept me safe. He was a mighty warrior and a man so handsome it was difficult not to look upon him. You inherited his beauty,” —she smiled— “and his tenacity. He was stubborn but never foolish, except when he fell in love with me.” Her smile faded.

Noble recalled something. “The tapestry in your solar of the nun praying over the dying warrior—”

“I created it. I needed a way to work through my grief, a way to be with him when he needed me the most, a reminder that I would forever love him.” Mother Abbess took another deep breath. “I never planned on telling you. It was a secret meant never to be revealed, but as danger grew for you, I began to see that it could remain a secret no longer. I planned on telling you the last time Noble summoned me here.” Her smile returned. “You should also know that Clan Skirling is your true home. My brother died in a battle and my father took ill and died and without a direct heir, it passed to a distant relative who was not worthy to lead. My father and brother would be pleased to know that a rightful heir has returned to Clan Skirling.”