A hand suddenly closed over her mouth and a strong arm circled her waist holding her tight. “Never hesitate. It gives your foe the advantage.”
She did not recognize the voice nor the man’s scent, potent and earthy. He was tall, the top of her head hitting his chin, and though his arms were lean, he had a powerful grip. She did, however, recognize the furious roar that suddenly ripped through the woods in the distance… it was her husband.
“Time to take our leave,” the man whispered.
Her feet suddenly left the ground, and she was carried away and no amount of struggling would free her. His grip was far too strong. All she could do was listen in the distance to the sound of clashing swords and cries of pain as men met their death as her husband fought to rescue her.
* * *
Noble swunghis battle axe with such anger and power that all moved out of his way, none daring to fight him. The fight was brief. The few men who hadn’t been felled by a Gallowglass sword laid down their weapons in surrender, especially after Noble got a hold of Hedley by the nape of his neck and swung him around like he held nothing more than a sack of feathers.
“Where is my wife?” he yelled in Hedley’s face.
“She escaped,” Hedley said and sneered. “And I wouldn’t be surprised if another troop of mercenaries got hold of her. Lord William is generous with his coin, eager to have Clan MacMurray for his own.”
“He will never get Clan MacMurray,” Lady Elizabeth said, holding her injured arm and leaning heavily against Novice Angelica. “My granddaughter will inherit and rule the clan.”
Hedley laughed. “A foolish old woman’s wishful thinking.”
“Who is the fool here, Hedley, since I am free, and you are about to meet your death?” Lady Elizabeth asked with a smile.
“Enough!” Noble yelled. “How long has it been since Leora escaped?”
“Not long,” Lady Elizabeth assured him. “She had to have heard when Hedley had my arm nearly broken, I cried out in such pain. Leora has a good heart, and I would not be surprised if she stopped and considered returning so I would not continue to suffer, though I had warned her against it.”
Noble didn’t wait… he let loose with a roar. “LEORA!”
Everyone remained silent, listening for her response.
Noble shouted out again. “LEORA, ANSWER ME!”
His shout was met with silence.”
“She might have fallen and gotten hurt,” Finley suggested. “I’ll have Lance track her.”
“Nay,” Noble said, “I will track her and this time I will find her. Lance can join me along with a small troop of men while you and the others finish up here and get the women back to the keep.”
“You should know that Hedley sliced Leora on the arm and went to slice her face, but she turned in time to only suffer a slash near her ear,” Lady Elizabeth said. “Hedley intended to keep slashing her until she finally succumbed to her wounds so I could watch her die before he killed me.”
Noble walked over to Hedley, his anger flaring mightily.
Hedley went to step away, but Noble was quicker. He pulled his kirk from his belt and sliced Hedley on the face. The man let out a yell, his hand rushing to his bloody cheek. Noble slashed at him again, catching his arm and Hedley stumbled back.
“It would bring me great pleasure to do to you what you intended to do to my wife and give you the painful lingering death you deserve, but I have no time to spare for you. So, you will get a quick death.”
Hedley went to speak, but never got the chance, Noble grabbed a handful of his hair, yanked his head back, and slit his throat. He let go of the man and he dropped to the ground dead.
He turned to see Lady Elizabeth and Novice Angelica staring at him.
“You need to return with my granddaughter to the Lowlands. No one would ever dare trouble Clan MacMurray with you as clan leader,” Lady Elizabeth said while Novice Angelica whispered a prayer.
“I am tired of telling you that I’m a Highlander and always will be. Do not mention it again and if anything has happened to my wife, you will meet the same fate as your nephew,” he warned, then turned to Finley and ordered. “Finish here. I will see you back at the keep.”
Noble said not another word. He examined the ground at the edge of the worn path and found his wife’s tracks, the familiar ones that had gotten him nowhere the first time he tracked her. But this time it was different. This time he would find her.
He followed the tracks into the woods intending to have his wife in his arms soon.
* * *