His firm command left no room for her to argue and, besides, her head had a slight fuzziness to it. If she was to help Sky in any way, she had to remain strong in body and mind. She could not fail her sister. She had given Elsie her word and Sky as well before escaping the abbey, and she would keep it.
The gray skies followed them overhead as they traveled, and a cool breeze rustled through the multitude of trees. There would be a chill in the air tonight and she shivered, recalling the chilled nights she had spent after escaping the abbey. She had wondered if her bones would forever remain chilled.
“You’re cold?” Noble asked, feeling her body shudder against him.
“A slight chill, nothing more,” she said and nodded to the three mercenaries flanked by Noble’s warriors as they walked, keeping pace with the plodding horses. “The three are all who are left from the attack? You spared their lives?”
“For now, we shall see how they fare and if they say what they mean or they think to play us for fools while I learn more from them.”
Leora was impressed with her husband’s strategy of allowing time to gather more information. “That is wise of you, and I look forward to speaking to them myself.”
“You will do no such thing,” he ordered sternly.
“I will—” She stopped and locked her lips together briefly, keeping herself from speaking, then briefly shook her head. “You are right. I failed to consider that one or more of them may still want me dead.”
His wife’s quick mind continued to impress Noble.
“You will, though, keep me abreast of all you find out.”
And there went her commanding tone again and Noble’s tone was equally commanding. “I will consider it.”
Leora’s brow shot up. “Consider it?”
“Were you not taught well the duties of a wife?”
“Duties composed by men who wish to rule their wives. I do not intend to be ruled—”
“And I don’t intend to have a wife who believes she can do whatever she wishes regardless of what I say or command.”
“If you would have let me finish,” she said, a flair of annoyance shimmering in her green eyes, “I do not intend to be ruled… though I will respect my husband’s wishes and opinions as long as he respects mine. A partnership, not a dictatorship.”
Noble lowered his head until his face nearly touched hers. “I rule, wife, and my duty dictates that I do, so get used to it.”
“Duty is what we make of it. It adjusts and changes with life. I suppose that means you are not a horse’s arse, but rather an old, stubborn horse’s arse.”
“Did I not advise you not to call me that again?”
Leora feigned surprise, adding a slight smile to it. “Have you begun to lose your memory already, husband, that you do not recall what you said to me?”
“Watch your words with me, wife, I have been patient with you so far, but that patience is wearing thin,” he warned.
Leora moved her face closer to her husband’s, their noses almost touching. “Then I suggest you grow a thicker skin.”
His hand grabbed hold of her chin to squeeze it. “Learn to hold your tongue, wife.”
“Or what?” she challenged.
“Or you will regret the day you met me.” He released her chin after giving it a firm squeeze. “And do not bother to tell me you already regret meeting me since that was obvious when I entered your bedchamber. Your beauty could not hide the fury in your eyes, and that brings me to a question I have been meaning to ask you. Why did you concede so fast to honor the marriage and leave with me when at first you made it clear that you had no intentions of doing so?”
A conundrum. Did Leora confide in him her reason for leaving willingly with him or did she lie to him?
“Lies do not help a marriage,” Noble advised, seeing her hesitation and assuming she was searching for an excuse rather than the truth.
She waited, thinking he would point out how the lies of her and her sisters’ births had brought them danger, but he said nothing more. He waited for her response. She gave the problem quick thought. Would she be wise to engage her husband’s help in visiting her sister and getting her home? He was well acquainted with Lord Slayer and could very well be of great help in getting her to see Sky.
She decided to take the chance and tell him the truth. “I agreed to leave with you because of my sister Sky. Elsie reminded me that Clan Skirling is not far from Clan Ravinsher, Lord Slayer’s clan where Sky is now. I will be able to see how my sister is doing and hopefully have her returned home to family.”
“And you along with her?” Noble asked.