She heard him roar and felt the strength of his release and it sent her tumbling over the edge once again, devouring her.

Out of breath after his intense climax, Noble moved off his wife to drop on his back to lie beside her. Never had he experienced anything like what he had just shared with his wife. He could have sworn he had felt their hearts beat as one, their bodies join together as one and when he released… he felt as if they breathed as one. Never had he known such exquisite pleasure.

He reached beside him to take his wife’s hand and bolted up when he felt it limp, lifeless. Her eyes were closed, and she was not moving. His heart pounded in fright.

He tapped her cheek several times. “Leora! Leora! Bloody hell, woman, open your eyes!”

Her eyes shot open, and she let out a long sigh. “I was lingering in the pleasure that continues to trickle through me.”

Noble collapsed back on the bed. “You frightened the hell out of me.”

“Why would I frighten you?” Leora laughed lightly. “Did you think you killed me with pleasure? If I had to die that would be a glorious way to go.”

“That’s not funny,” he warned.

“Nay, it isn’t for I would not go alone.” She rolled on her side to cuddle against him. “I would take you with me.”

Noble chuckled, his arm going around her to hug her tight. “You better, for I will not be left without you.”

She lifted her head to look at him. “Something we agree on.”

“We agree on things more lately than when we first met,” he said. “I believe we are more alike than we first realized.”

“So, you finally admit that you are as determined as I am,” she said with a playful poke to his chest.

“Are you telling me that I’m stubborn, wife?”

“Determined,” she corrected and went to slip out of his arms, but he stopped her. “I need the blanket. I am growing cold.” He released her. “And since someone tore my nightdress, I need the blanket to keep me warm.”

“You don’t need your nightdress. You have me to keep you warm.” Noble pulled her back into his arms and settled her snug against him, then pulled the blanket over them. “Besides, I prefer you sleep naked beside me. It makes it that much easier to have my way with you during the middle of the night or early morning.”

“Not tonight or tomorrow morning though,” she cautioned softly. “You have exhausted yourself enough tonight, please sleep well and be strong for tomorrow.”

“I know you, wife, and I am warning you right now, if you slip out of bed after I fall asleep so that I cannot make love to you if I should wake during the night, then I will come find you and make love to you until the sun rises.”

“You do know me too well,” Leora said, annoyed. “If I stay, will you promise if you wake during the night, you will go right back to sleep?”

“I will try and that will have to do,” he ordered.

“Try hard,” she said.

He kissed her brow. “Go to sleep, tomorrow will come fast enough, and it will be a busy day.”

Noble was glad he did not promise his wife, since he woke just before dawn with a need for her and though it was a fast coupling, it was just as satisfying. It was the perfect way to start the day and face the battle that was to come.


Noble kept one hand on the reins of his horse and his other hand rested on the curve of his wife’s waist as he held her close. His head was bent close to her face as if whispering to her and appearing to all that he was bidding her farewell before going off to find Mother Abbess.

“You conjure tears to make it appear that I will be gone, wife?” he asked, seeing her eyes glisten with tears. “You know the plan well. I will be waiting close by to quell the attack before it can even take place while Ross and his men, appearing as if they left for home last night, are no doubt, close to finding Mother Abbess. Therefore, there is no reason for worry. All will go well if you attend to your part and remain in the keep along with Lady Elizabeth.” He smiled. “Now I understand why you are teary-eyed. You are stuck with Lady Elizabeth.”

Leora poked him in the chest, pleased he wore a leather chest shield to give him some protection. “She fights as tenaciously for her clan as you do for ours.”

“Unfortunately, she will not be the victor in this battle.” Noble kissed her, leaving no chance for a response. “Go in the keep now, so I know you are tucked safely away.” He glanced at the pup. “In the keep with Leora, Chief, and keep her safe.”

The pup barked and started up the stairs, stopped, turned back, and barked at Leora as if commanding her to follow him.

“He is a brilliant dog,” Leora said with pride, then kissed her husband, lingering a bit in it before reluctantly easing her lips off his. “That is so you keep in mind what awaits you and take no foolish chances.”