Chief watched her anxiously, his eyes following her every move, ready to leap into action.

Seeing she had the pup anxious, she dropped down and gave him a hug and a kiss. “Go rest. Everything is good.”

The pup did as she said, plopping his small frame down not far from her and keeping his attention focused on her.

Her thoughts went to her sister. That she had yet to see her since arriving here still disturbed her. She could reason all she wanted to that Sky was safe but until she saw or at least heard from her sister, she could not be sure how Sky fared. Then there was Mother Abbess, who had yet to arrive or even send a missive as to when she might arrive. That alone warned that something was amiss. And then the least thing that should concern her but was the most frustrating was that her husband had avoided intimacy with her the past four days, claiming she had yet to heal. Annoyed by his claim, she had sought the advice of Novice Angelica, not about intimacy, something that would be unknown to the novice, but about how her wound was healing.

It hadn’t surprised her to learn that the wound was doing well, since the area was not as tender as it once had been, and the novice had assured her that with how well the wound was healing it would be only a few days until it was completely healed. Her husband was being overly cautious and though it was thoughtful of him, it frustrated her that they hadn’t made love. The closeness and pleasure they shared when coupling and the contentment that followed was something she cherished, and she missed it terribly.

Her husband had purposely avoided any talk of it with her and that frustrated her even more since there was nothing they didn’t share. It was another thing she cherished about her husband, that he shared everything with her. They kept no secrets and she intended to make sure that never changed between them, which was why he would not talk with her about their lack of intimacy so frustrated her.

“Good news!”

Leora jumped as she turned, and Chief barked, her husband’s booming announcement startling her out of her musings. Good news was always worth smiling at, but her smile was all for her husband. His shirtsleeves were rolled up and the swath of plaid that usually fell over his shoulder and chest hung down along his side and the veins in his arm muscles were pronounced, meaning he had been engaged in physical labor. He never looked more inviting as he did now, although it might have been their lack of coupling that made him more appealing than usual.

It was when she spotted the man who followed behind her husband that she got excited for the news.

“Ross has brought a message from your sister,” Noble announced, his smile growing, happy for his wife.

All thoughts of anything but her sister vanished, and she rushed toward the two men, Chief keeping pace with her.

Noble was quick to catch her around the waist, fearing she would collide with Ross in her eagerness to hear the message and he sent the pup a stern look that had him plopping his butt down with haste.

“Tell me,” Leora said, her glance anxiously on Ross but before he could respond, added, “You received this message directly from my sister and not through Lord Slayer?”

“Your sister said you would ask that, and she told me to tell you that she has found the love with the animals at Clan Ravinsher that Snowball had given her at home.”

A tear trickled down Leora’s cheek and she smiled softly. “Snowball was a kitten Sky befriended when she was just a bairn. They were inseparable. Snowball died a few months before we were sent to Dundren Abbey.”

Noble did not care to see his wife cry but at least it was happy tears she cried. And the trill on her lovely face in anticipation of the message filled his heart with joy for her.

Ross continued. “She also said to tell you that she is doing well and being well cared for, though she misses you and Elsie terribly. She says you are not to worry over her, though she knows you will ignore her words, but trust that she is safe and well-protected, and that when it is safe, the three of you will reunite and have much to discuss and that she looks forward to that time. And you should know that your sister made me repeat the message over and over until I remembered every word since she said you would know by the words alone if the message was from her.”

Tears continued to trickle down Leora’s cheeks, though she chuckled. “My sister knows me well, and I thank you, Ross, for delivering her exact words.”

“Words I don’t think I will ever get out of my head now.” Ross shook his head as if trying to rid himself of them.

“Come sit, drink, and eat if you are hungry,” Leora invited and led them to a table that had been set with drinks.

“Who is this? Does he bring news of Mother Abbess?” Lady Elizabeth demanded upon entering the Great Hall.

“I am no concern to you, woman,” Ross said dismissively as he filled a tankard of ale after sitting.

“Lady Elizabeth,” the elderly woman corrected with a lift of her chin. “And you, sir, are ill-mannered.”

Ross raised his tankard. “I appreciate the compliment.”

Lady Elizabeth shook her head. “Savages, the bunch of you.” She turned to Noble. “Does he have any news?”

Noble assisted his wife to sit opposite Ross before he joined her at the table. “He has no news that is of interest to you.”

“I will never understand you Highlanders, but then how do you understand a savage?” she asked more of herself than those there as she seated herself beside Ross and waved at a servant lass. “Bring me and Leora a hot brew.”

“Mistress Leora,” Ross corrected.

“I will not refer to my granddaughter that way,” Lady Elizabeth said haughtily.

“From what I hear, that has yet to be proven,” Ross said.