“Fools!” Hayes spat. “He’s not going to free you. We are all as good as dead. The Gallowglass frees no one who attacks them.”

“Hayes is right. We don’t free those who attack us. But since you did not know you would fight the Gallowglass, I see room for leniency, except,” —Noble’s eyes went to— “Hayes.”

The men could not offer what they knew fast enough even if it had no connection to the present situation. Noble listened and he saw that his wife did as well, taking everything in that was said.

Hayes grew more annoyed with how easily the captives capitulated and he attempted to interrupt and dispute what was being said, but they shouted him down.

Noble watched as Hayes grew more and more annoyed, especially when Leora asked question after question and some he had not thought to ask. He listened and asked his own questions, but the discussion taught him one thing about his wife… she was more astute and knowledgeable than he expected.

“I am far more skilled at fashioning a weapon than using one, sir,” a man into his years said. “I never chose the life of a mercenary. I would fashion exceptional weapons for you if you would allow me to serve you.”

“You’re a traitor, Atworth,” Hayes yelled at him.

“I would say he finally sees his worth and offers it to someone who will provide him with a home and safety rather than constant battle and most assuredly an early death,” Leora said as if what she saw was obvious to all.

It happened so fast that Leora was left speechless and breathless. She lay on her back on the ground looking up at the cloudy sky, thinking it was not gray enough for rain, while shouts and scuffles went on around her.

Though she did obey her husband’s order when he shouted, “Stay down!”

It wasn’t long before he stood over her, leaned down, and slipped his arm beneath her waist to scoop her up onto her feet, and tuck her against him. She was glad his arm remained around her waist and that she had him to lean against since she felt a bit lightheaded, although it might have been that she shackled her hand to his arm that forced him to keep hold of her.

She stood stunned to see Hayes on the ground lifeless along with a few other captives. “What happened?”

“Hayes lunged at you, and I pushed you out of the way, and disposed of him quickly enough, which is how you landed on your back. A few of his men joined him, the ones who I suspected would, and my men saw to them while the others who wanted no more part of Hayes and the mission removed themselves from the fray,” Noble explained. “Are you all right?”

“It would be foolish of me to deny it when I feel a bit lightheaded,” she said and was surprised to hear actual concern in her husband’s voice.

“I am glad you speak the truth to me, wife,” Noble said, pleased that she trusted him enough to do so. “Unfortunately, I had no choice if I was to keep you safe. I had to push you out of the way.”

“I understand perfectly, and thank you for that.”

“I am here for you, wife, it is my duty, and I will always honor my duty,” Noble said, though realized that it was not duty that had him keeping hold of her. It was that he enjoyed the feel of her close against him, and he especially enjoyed the feel of her perfectly curved waist where his hand rested.

“Aye, duty calls, and one must answer,” Leora said, not quite understanding why his response annoyed her.

“You will sit and rest while all is finished here,” he ordered and with his arm firm around her waist, walked her to the tree whose branches he had ordered her to rest under not that long ago.

He eased her to sit on the ground and rest against the thick trunk, then summoned one of his men with a crook of his finger.

“Dyle will remain here to watch over you.” A slight smile peeked at the corners of his mouth. “This way no one can snatch you away.”

That he had not only recalled her words in a playful manner but also made sure she was kept safe, brought a gentle smile to her face. “You are a thoughtful husband.”

“A dutiful one,” he reminded and turned to walk away when he stopped and turned his head. “You will be riding with me when we leave.”

She bristled at such a ridiculous idea. “I most certainly will not. I am more than capable of riding my own horse.”

“Not after that fall. You will ride with me and that is an order you have no choice but to obey, wife.”


“Iam not riding with y— OH!” Leora cried out when her husband grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her up onto his horse.

Noble swung himself up to settle with ease behind her and, with his arm around her waist, adjusted her to sit comfortably against him, trying to ignore how close her firm backside nestled near his manhood.

“I need not ride with you,” Leora protested, though surprisingly found herself comfortable braced against her husband.

“I will not chance you feeling lightheaded and falling off your horse. You will ride with me until I am sure you are well enough to ride on your own.”