Chief ran at him yapping and tumbled over his own legs as he did but righted himself fast enough as usual, jumping around him in joy when he reached him.
“I worry he will not grow into those legs of his, he tumbles over himself so much,” Leora said, worry creasing her brow as she stopped in front of her husband.
“Chief will do fine, worry not. We all find our footing eventually,” he said, bending down to give her a quick kiss.
“Do we?” Leora asked, thinking about her sister Sky. How does one do that when given a burden to bear? The thought had her asking, “Any word from Lord Slayer since his last message?”
“Nay, he is aware of the Lowlanders arrival and the demands Lady Elizabeth is making and offers any support I need, but we agree that it is someone else entirely who searches for Sky. He will keep us apprized and let me know when we can visit.”
“I hope it is soon,” Leora said, worry growing heavier in her scrunched brow. “I will feel better when I can see Sky and know for myself that all is well with her and, when safe, make arrangements for her return home.”
“Sir! Sir, forgive my interruption,” Wendell said, running toward Noble, wearing a wide smile. He stopped a short distance from him and leaned over, his hands on his thighs while he caught his breath. He straightened up suddenly, a smile on his face. “I heard and I had to thank you, let you know how very grateful I am, and to tell you that I will serve Clan Skirling well.”
“It is Lord Slayer you should be grateful to,” Noble said. “It is only because of his consent that you can call Clan Skirling your new home.”
“Aye, sir, I am grateful to Lord Slayer as well, truly I am,” Wendell said with a tremble.
Leora stepped forward. “You fear Lord Slayer so much that you quiver when you speak his name?”
“There are not many who don’t quiver when his name is mentioned, mistress,” Wendell said. “He is a powerful warrior.”
“You have duties. Go see to them,” Noble ordered, knowing such reference would only make his wife worry more about her sister.
“A moment,” Leora said. “How is Adele doing? She looked quite well when I saw her two days ago.”
Wendell’s wide smile returned. “Adele is doing well, mistress. She still must rest, and Novice Angelica warned that she is still not allowed to lift anything, and it will be a few more weeks before she can return to her kitchen chores. But that is all right, Emma says I do Adele’s chores well enough and without complaint. I do my own as well. Atworth is teaching me how to fashion weapons and I quite enjoy it.”
“Then go and see to your chores,” Noble ordered again.
“Aye, sir, and thank you again, sir,” Wendell said and hurried off.
Leora tilted her head and turned a questioning look on her husband. “It is obvious that Wendell is relieved not to be living at Clan Ravinsher any longer. Is it not a pleasant place?” Leora asked, thinking she had been too quick to assume her sister was doing well there.
“I have seen no discontent when I have been there,” Noble said.
“Wendell obviously fears Lord Slayer,” she said and turned at the sound of Chief yapping to see him chasing after a small group of young, squealing bairns with delight.
“He should be, he disobeyed him.”
“And yet Lord Slayer allowed him to remain here,” she reminded.
“A wise decision on his part.”
“How so?” she asked, curious as to why he would believe that.
“He rids himself of someone he cannot trust, someone who does not obey rules, someone who could put his clan in jeopardy for failure to obey him.”
Leora got upset upon hearing that. “Has he no heart?”
“A question many ask,” Noble said, “but he never questions his duties and seeing your sister safe would be a priority for him. But worry not about that, we have reason to rejoice.” He smiled.
Leora looked puzzled. “Why is that?’
“Lady Elizabeth decided to go to Whitehall Abbey and see what she can learn there. We are free of her for a while.”
“That is nonsense. Mother Abbess will come here. There is no reason for her to go there. You need to stop her. It could prove dangerous for her,” Leora insisted.
“She will not listen to me, and I cannot stop her. Besides, I do not care if she leaves. She is annoying. I wish her departure was permanent,” Noble argued, wanting to be rid of the woman.