“Not yet, but it brings me a step closer to proving you are,” Lady Elizabeth said. “Now I am ready for a meal, which you can have brought here, then I will retire for the evening. A good night’s sleep will refresh me so I may go to the abbey tomorrow and see what I can learn.”

Leora would see done what the woman commanded and made her way to the keep. She preferred the woman did not join her and Noble for supper and cause more upset than she already had. She, herself, was upset more than she cared to admit. There was no way she would ever leave Noble or the Highlands. Her life was here, her sisters and da were here, and the family she was just beginning to build with Noble was here. All the wealth in the world could not replace what she had here, and she worried that Lady Elizabeth would find a way of taking it all away from her.

The disturbing thought made her even more determined to make sure that would not happen, and Mother Abbess might be able to help with that. She knew her husband would not permit her to go to the abbey tomorrow with Lady Elizabeth, so she intended to send a request for Mother Abbess to come to Clan Skirling. She would not be left out of the talk Lady Elizabeth would have with Mother Abbess. She would hear the truth for herself if the truth could be found, though she worried Lady Elizabeth might not care.

“You’re upset.”

Leora startled at her husband’s voice and welcomed his arm that circled her waist to gently ease her to rest against him. “Bothered more than upset. I wish this was done, settled, so we could get on with our lives. I worry that Lady Elizabeth already believes that I am her granddaughter, whether I am or not. Her need to save her clan comes before the truth, and I am her last chance to see her succeed.”

“I thought the same myself,” he agreed, feeling her body tense with worry.

“I think it would be best to have Mother Abbess brought here to speak with Lady Elizabeth. I want to hear their conversation for myself, and I know for safety’s sake you will not permit me to go to the abbey.”

“You are right. I won’t permit you to go to the abbey, which is why I sent a message to Mother Abbess requesting her presence.”

Leora smiled and rested her hand on her husband’s chest. “You know me too well.”

“I want to know you even better,” he said and winked, “in more ways than one.” Her smile faded and he was quick to ask, “I said something that upset you?”

She shook her head gently. “Nay, I was thinking how I never expected to have a husband who I could talk with so freely, so openly, and who I could trust so unconditionally.”

“I never expected the same of a wife. I look forward to talking with you each and every day, to hear your opinion on matters, to consider your wise suggestions, to offer counsel when I don’t realize I need it, and to see your love for me shine so brightly in your eyes.”

She kept her voice to a whisper as if what she was about to say was a secret kept between them. “We truly have fallen madly in love with each other.”

Noble smiled and kissed her brow. “That we have, wife, that we have. I would love to rush you off to our bedchamber and spend the rest of the day there with you but—”

Leora sighed, disappointed that that was not about to happen. “But there is too much for the both of us to see to.”

“We will retire early tonight,” he said in way of compensation.

“I look forward to our time alone together,” she said and cringed upon hearing her husband’s name shouted. “You are needed.”

“Am I?” he whispered.

Leora’s eyes met his and she smiled softly. “I am in need of you more than I believe is proper and I love you more than I thought possible.”

He kissed her gently. “I need you more and I love you more.”

She chuckled softly. “We are a needy pair.”

“A perfect pair, wife.” Noble kissed her again. “Until later.”

His reluctance to leave her coupled with hers, overwhelmed her and she turned away, tears springing up in her eyes. Whatever was the matter with her? There was no reason for her to tear up at his departure. He had his duties to see to and she had hers. She would see him—she was suddenly swept up into a tight hug.

“What’s wrong? Why are there tears in your eyes?” Noble demanded but didn’t wait for an answer. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the keep and straight into his solar.

“You have your duties to see to,” she reminded after he kicked the door closed with his foot.

“Aye, you. Now you will tell me what is wrong. Are you not feeling well?”

She was truthful with him. “You leaving my side upset me, though I don’t know why since it is a common thing you do, and it should not have bothered me. It was foolish and how did you know I grew teary-eyed when I had turned away from you?”

“It is for that very reason I knew. You never turn away until I am almost out of your sight and when I turned to see you as I usually do and saw you had already turned away and your shoulders were slumped, I knew something was amiss.” He walked to a bench and sat, settling her on his lap.

She rested her brow to his. “It must be Lady Elizabeth’s arrival and talk of me leaving you and the Highlands that is disturbing me. Even though I know it will never happen, the thought alone frightens me.”

He captured her lips in a strong kiss and Leora realized how hungry she was for him and returned the kiss, fearing it wouldn’t be enough.