Noble nodded. “I can understand that, and it is wise that you do, but you will tell me and accept any consequences that comes of it… like the man I am sure Adele believes you are.”

“I failed her, sir,” Wendell said, fighting not to sob. “I told her I would always protect her, and I did not keep my word.”

“You still have a chance not to fail her by telling me all you know so we may find who did this to her and see that he suffers for it,” Noble encouraged.

Wendell tried to stem his tears, pressing his sleeve-covered arm against his eyes for a moment. He was somewhat successful, the tears continuing to only trickle from his eyes.

“I watched and learned where Lord Slayer stationed his warriors, so I wouldn’t be spotted leaving the clan without permission.”

Men and women could be irrational when in love and Wendell was certainly wrong for not obeying clan rules. They were there for a good reason, yet Noble could also understand the risk the young man took for love, and that startled him since he always obeyed Slayer’s commands. But the thought of not being able to see Leora would not be something he would tolerate. And that thought had him thinking about when his wife had asked if there was room enough inside him to love? If she had looked a bit deeper, she may have seen what he was feeling for her.

His wife asked what he should have.

“You would want to avoid the sentinels here as well, so no one would report your visits here to Lord Slayer. How then did you avoid the sentinels here?”

Wendell was reluctant to respond.

Noble didn’t need his response, he knew. “Adele told you, didn’t she.”

“Aye, sir,” Wendell admitted.

Leora turned a quizzical look on her husband. “But Wendell has not been here in a while so how could Adele—” She stopped speaking abruptly and looked at Wendell. “She snuck over to visit you at Clan Ravinsher, learning where the sentinels were here once we arrived, and you informed her of the ones there, and she kept it all a secret.”

“We had to, or we would get in trouble,” Wendell confessed.

“That was how she learned to avoid footfalls in the woods, by going to see you,” Leora said.

“I didn’t like it when she came to see me. I feared for her safety, but we were so desperate to see each other that she insisted on taking the chance,” Wendell said and raised his chin some when he looked at Noble. “I was about to speak with Lord Slayer about wedding Adele and making Clan Skirling our home. Adele and I both prefer our home to be here.” He wiped away his trickling tears. “Please, sir, please let me see Adele. I want her to know how much I love her so she will fight hard to live so that we get to share a good life together.”

“As soon as Mother Abbess permits it, you can see Adele,” Noble said. “And when you return home, you will tell Lord Slayer yourself that you have been leaving the clan without permission. Though I would not be at all surprised if he already knows.”

Wendell’s surprise showed in his wide eyes. “But if Lord Slayer knows, why does he let me continue to do so.”

“To see what you’re up to, who you may be meeting, what you may be planning, and taking his time in deciding your fate,” Noble said.

Wendell paled.

Mother Abbess entered the Great Hall and Wendell hurried to his feet and ran to her, bombarding her with questions about Adele.

“Wendell!” Noble called out firmly.

He turned, his eyes turning wide once again, realizing his actions had been improper. He lowered his head as he approached Noble.

Mother Abbess walked alongside him and spoke in favor of the young man. “He cares deeply for Adele, and I believe it would be wise for him to go and sit with her, hold her hand, let her know he is there, and encourage her to survive.”

Wendell kept silent and let his eyes do his pleading.

Mother Abbess continued to speak. “Novice Angelica is tending to Adele. She is needed there more than with Finley, who insists he is fine and needs no fuss made over him. Though it would be wise of him to rest for at least another day or two before resuming his duties.”

“I will see that he does and, Wendell,” Noble said, turning his attention on the young man and seeing hope gleam in his tear-filled eyes. “You may go sit with Adele. I will send word to Lord Slayer explaining what happened and request that you be allowed to remain here until the issue can be resolved.”

“Bless you, sir, bless you,” Wendell said, bobbing his head and looking more hopeful.

Wendell rushed from the room as soon as Mother Abbess explained where he could find her.

“Sit and I will have a brew fetched for you,” Noble offered.

“I cannot stay. My knowledge of wounds far surpasses any of the nuns here with me. There is much that needs doing if Adele has any chance to survive. I wanted to make you aware of what I know so far.” Mother Abbess paused briefly before she continued. “Adele has not regained consciousness yet, which is far better for her since she would be in tremendous pain if she woke. There is only one wound and, thankfully, it does not go as deep as I feared, and I do believe nothing vital was damaged inside her but only time will confirm that.”