“I have no doubt you will try, but you cannot be with me all the time and the attacks that have happened, and not just today, prove that.” She silenced him before he could speak with a gentle kiss. “I trust completely that you would rescue me if ever necessary. It is my fear that I would not be strong enough to survive until you reach me.”
He chuckled. “I believe it would take little time for anyone who abducted you to return you since they would quickly grow tired of your endless questions, arguments, and challenges.” He was glad his attempt at humor brought a slight smile to his wife’s face. “But seriously, Leora, if I had to go to hell to rescue you, I would go without hesitation. So, know I will always, without a doubt, rescue you and you will remain strong until I do.”
“Is that an order?” she asked, the promise she saw in the depths of his blue eyes soothing her soul.
His tone turned commanding. “Aye, it is, wife, and you will obey it without question.”
“As will you, if it is ever necessary that I need to rescue you,” she said.
That she was serious was obvious and his gut twisted. “Never. Not ever will you jeopardize your life for mine.”
He kissed her to diffuse the argument and lingered in it to please them both.
Leora pressed her brow to his when the kiss ended much too quickly for her, and her heart fluttered much too rapidly. She drew her brow off his and stared silently into his deep blue eyes, trying to look deep inside him and see if it was possible to see what was in his heart, for she was sure her heart was filled with love for him.
“Be careful, Leora,” Noble warned. “There is a fierceness inside of me you do not want to see.”
Leora could not stop herself from asking, “Is there room in there for love?”
His wife’s unexpected response had him at a loss for words. Did she wonder if he was capable of loving her, or was she asking if he had room for the love she felt for him?
Penn’s shout had them both turning to see the warrior rushing toward them.
“A young man, Wendell, has arrived and is asking for Adele.”
Noble grabbed Wendell by the arm when his legs looked about to fail him, after being told that Adele was badly wounded. He hurried the young man to sit on the bench at the table where Leora sat.
Wendell shook his head, repeating. “She can’t die. She can’t die.” His words faded and he stopped shaking his head. “We are going to get married and have lots of bairns—” He didn’t stop his tears from falling, he let himself cry. “I love Adele so much.”
Leora choked back her tears, feeling his pain and realizing the horrible pain she would suffer if she thought Noble was close to death, and it made her think that only love for another could have someone suffer so much.
“I worried when she wasn’t at the spot where we usually meet,” Wendell said, tears flowing down his cheeks.
“Had you planned to meet there today?” Noble asked.
“It was never certain for me, since my chores changed from time to time, but Adele never failed to go to our appointed place by chance I would be able to meet her. She volunteered on foraging days even though she disliked gathering wild onions because it gave us a chance to be together. When she wasn’t there today, I knew something was wrong.”
“Had she met anyone else at that spot while waiting for you?” Noble asked.
Wendell shook his head. “Nay, she was careful when in the woods and would hide if she heard footfalls and wait until they passed by. But she always told me she could recognize my footfalls since she was so eager to hear them.”
His eyes were filled with worry as well as tears and Leora worried along with him.
“Did you see anyone in the woods on your way here?” Noble asked.
Wendell’s head drooped. “Nay, sir, it was quiet.”
The way the young man glanced away as he hung his head told Noble he was lying, and he didn’t hesitate to confront him on it. “You’re lying to me, Wendell.”
Leora wasn’t surprised by her husband’s accusation since she thought the same as soon as Wendell lowered his head.
“You would be wise to tell me,” Noble urged.
Wendell raised his head. “I fear Lord Slayer more than I do you, sir.”