“I will remain with you and hear what they have to say,” Leora said eagerly.
“You will sit by the tree and rest while I see to this,” he ordered sternly.
Leora cast a quick glance at the tree. “What if there are more warriors in the woods or a warrior or two who fled waits to sneak out and snatch me away and you do not realize it until it is too late to find me?”
“I am an exceptional tracker.”
“Then why were you unable to find me after my escape from Dundren Abbey?” Leora asked with a pleasant smile. “Elsie told me how you searched yet failed to find me.”
He had never failed when tracking someone until his wife and he was in no mood to discuss his failure with her. Though he did intend to find out how she had avoided his tracking skills.
With no desire to debate the issue with her, little time to spare, and eager to continue their journey and carry out Lord Slayer’s command, he said, “Stay close to my side.”
“As you say, husband.”
“Words I wish to hear more often,” he said.
She turned her horse ready to take the lead. “You will, when necessary.”
Noble’s hand shot out to grab hold of her arm and reminded, “You will follow beside me.”
“Then hurry. It is not wise for us to linger too long here. Those who fled may have done so to alert a larger group of mercenaries.”
Noble was impressed that his wife realized that possibility. He already sent two trackers, he had taught the skill to, to find out if more mercenaries lingered in the area, whether behind them or ahead of them. He was prepared one way or the other and part of that was leaving here as soon as possible.
Leora was off her horse before her husband could help her dismount. She had watched her mum do much on her own and she had asked her one day why she sometimes did things that were her husband’s duties.
She had smiled and taken hold of Leora’s arm, hugging her close, and spoke softly as had been her way. “Because, dear daughter, a time may come when I only have myself to rely on and I must have the skill and knowledge needed to do so.”
After that day, Leora emulated her mum and began learning and doing things she had never given thought to. Surprisingly, she enjoyed gaining both knowledge and skills and continued to do both.
She was adjusting her garments when her husband approached from around her mare.
“You will wait for me to help you dismount,” he ordered.
“Why when I am capable of doing it myself?”
“It is my duty and I do not want to see you injure yourself.”
“Why would I injure myself when I know what I’m doing?” she asked, scrunching her face as if his response had made no sense.
“Regardless, it will be my way,” he ordered once again.
“We are wasting time on a nonsensical matter,” she said and went to walk past him.
His hand once again settled on her arm. “You are wed now, and we both have duties. I will see to mine, and you will see to yours. Do you understand?”
His deep blue eyes fascinated her. She wondered what lurked in the deepest depths of them and after being captured for a moment by them, she said, “I understand.” She expected him to release her arm and when he didn’t, she asked, “You have more to say?”
“I am waiting.”
Again, her brow scrunched in confusion. “For what?”
“That response I wish to hear more often.” Her sudden brilliant smile startled him, though he did not allow it to show. He kept his stoic expression.
“This is not the occasion when that response is necessary,” she said, and with her smile still brilliant but her voice low, added, “now release my arm.”
Noble smiled this time and Leora was stunned by his splendid smile and how it heightened his already fine features. And she was prepared for his retort and to yank her arm free, if necessary, but she was not prepared for his reaction.